Fluff; PG
Summary: DBSK in another life.
In the next life, Yoochun is an author, quiet and behind the scenes with a pseudonym taking all his fame.
In the next life, Junsu is a football player with his name on his jersey and the number one because-I’ve always wanted to be the best- it’s his favorite number.
In the next life, Jaejoong is a world-class chef, owner of his own restaurant and-I’ll only cook for you!- well known.
In the next life, Yunho is a lawyer, defending only those who he believes are innocent, becoming “Jung the honorable.”
In the next life, Changmin is a primary school teacher, with a small smile and twenty-five children chasing him around the room and-hyung! I need to study!- messy clothes covered in paint.
In the next life, there is no Dong Bang Shin Ki, only five men who meet each other one day in a world class restaurant. Yoochun, who is meeting his editor, and Junsu, who is celebrating a victory, and Yunho, who is meeting his client, and Changmin, who is on a date with another teacher, and Jaejoong, who is taking a break to survey the guests.
Jaejoong opens his mouth to comment to a stray waiter but instead starts singing softly under his breath.
I want to be you bed in your room for just a day,
I want to make you go to sleep, comfortably, warmly in my arms
Across the room, Yoochun pauses and closes his eyes.
For you, I’d win all your problems and all your busy errands,
Even the monster in your dream
Jaejoong sighs softly and opens his mouth.
I wonder how a day without me passes by for you
I’m so curious to how much you really love me
Junsu puts down his drink.
I want to bed your diary in your little drawer
I want to put all your secrets in my heart, without you knowing
Changmin’s date watches him in awe as the young man begins to sing.
I want to be your kitty for just a day
You feed it warm milk and softly embrace it
Yunho closes his eyes.
Seeing your playfulness with the cat, and your cute kisses to it,
I guess I even felt a little jealous…
And when the song ends, Jaejoong closes his eyes and feels like another person, sees the cameras and the mass of people, hears screams and a soft voice in his ear saying, “Hold on. We can do this. Dong Bang Shin Ki hwaiting.”
When he opens his eyes, he’s only Kim Jaejoong, world class-chef and, for a moment, unsatisfied with his life.
“Dong Bang Shin Ki hwaiting,” he murmurs softly, and around the room, four other men echo him quietly.
(A/N: Inspired by
this letter! Note: you have to be a member of
dbsg to view! Lyrics taken from Hug!)