What, KT?

Apr 19, 2006 20:01

A - Available: Yes. But I don't want it, so get out.
A - Age: 24
A - Annoyance: Lmfao. Most things. And Whoop that trick

B - Braces: :B
B - Bar: I have yet to find one I actually like.
B - Birthday?: December 28, 1981

C - Crush: Bleeeh
C - Car: My cavalier
C - Cat(s): Can kiss my ass.

D - Dead Pets Name: oh man..I've had so many pets. Let's see the most important would be Tina, Sadie, and Blackie
D - Dads Name: Michael
D - Dog: Burt, Stella, and Monkey

E - Easiest Person To Talk To: Just regular talking? All my friends, that's why I like them. Talking about my problems and feelings? :B I would just rather not.
E - Eggs: Scrambled with some cheese
E - Email: You guys know where to find me. personaienemy@aol.com, same as my IM.

F - Favorite Color: reds, and blues
F - Food: Tacos!
F - Foreign slang: Besa me cuelo...just because Erin always says it to me and it makes me giggle.

G - Gummy Bears or Worms: bears, worms can suck my dick. You know..unless they're out of bears in which case they can get in my tummy.
G - God: Yeah, me and him are boys.
G - Good Time: XD Sitting on the computer obviously

H - Hair Color: Reddish blonde
H - Height: 5'7''
H - Happy: Right now? Yeah.

I - Ice Cream: Makes my ass sad.
I - Instrument: Piano, and the violin
I - Idol: Noah

J - Jewelry: No thanks
J - Job: Lazy ass bum
J - Joke: The one Rocco tells on Boondock Saints..lmao..

K - Kids: :/ I'll just mooch off my brother and sister
K - Karate: I pretend
K - Kung Fu: Yeah

L - Longest Car Ride: The road trip to stalk Bella Morte and Cruxshadows
L - Longest shower: ..How should I know? I don't time myself.
L - Love: Is for suckers.

M - Milk Flavor: Also makes my ass sad.
M - Mothers Name: Carol
M - Movie Last Watched: :B Boondock Saints

N - Number of Siblings: 2
N - Northern or Southern: Northern
N - Name: Katie, but Fry started calling me KT years ago and it stuck so now I am KT.

O - One Wish: To be rich
O - One Phobia: Condiments. I just do not like them, they freak me the fuck out..so you can take you ketchup, and mayo and shove them up you ass.
O - Otter Pop: :O I love otter pops! I have some in my freezer..I like Alexander the Grape.

P - Parents, are they married or divorced: Divorced
P - Part of your appearance you like best: My eyes and my ass.
P - Part of your personality you like best: I love all of my personality.

Q - Quote: I don't have a quote. Ass.
Q - Question for the next person: Why are you so gay?
Q - Quick or Slow?: Slow and then quick..and hard..mmm

R - Reason to smile: Because if I don't I will kill someone.
R - Reality TV Show: They suck. Though I would like to make one about my life.
R - Right or Left: Right

S - Song Last Heard: Swandive by Mary Prankster..story of my life right there
S- Season: Winter
S - Sex: I could go for some good sex..lmao..

T - Time you woke up:10:30am
T - Time Now: 6:53pm
T - Time for bed: I'm slowly starting to adopt Rion's sleeping schedule so whenever she goes to bed I'm sure.

U - Unknown Fact about me: They're unknown for a reason. :D
U - U are: KT..it's a class all of it's own. ;D

V - Vegetable you hate: I'm going with Erin on this one, sauerkraut
V - Vegetable you love: broccoli, and cucumbers
V - View on Politics: It's best for me to stay out of it

W- Worst Habits: Smoking and nail chewing
W- Where are you going to travel next: Hopefully to NC, so me and Rion can roll around the floor going ksjlkjdjsdkjldj ;-;
W- Watchful: Yeah I like to watch.

X - X-Rays: I've had a few
X - X-Rated Porn: And lots of it.
X - X-tra special someone: me!

Y - Year you were born: 1981
Y - Year it is now: 2006
Y - Yellow: Is an awful color. I hate it.

Z - Zoo Animal: Elephant! :f VRRRRRRPPHH! -stomps-
Z - Zodiac: Capricorn
Z - Zoolander: ZOOOO STAAATION..oh wait..that's a song.

Holy crap, I'm going to talk about my life. It will be short because well, I don't have a lot to say..but eh..might as well give some sort of update.

The living situation here is making me want to tear my hair out and rip my eyes out. I constantly feel like I'm put in a me against them situation, and whether that's my fault or their's..I don't know, but I fail to care anymore because it's ridiculous. I've never met a group of people that had such a total lack of disregard for decency, feelings, and general consideration. I feel like I can be as nice as I can, or I can give and give..only for the couple of times I do ask for something, or express how I feel, or oh my god if I say no..then I'm just a raging fucking bitch. I'm nice to those boys..and anyone that's visited can attest to that. But still..I have to sleep with three fans going to drown out the music at 4 in the morning because I'm a jerk for telling them to turn it down, and I'm a bitch because I won't let Chris run up my cell minutes to talk to his girl..because he's too cheap to get his own cause then he couldn't buy booze. They're all fucking selfish..at times when I have no money or food..and I'm fucking hungry, I feel like a fucking dog begging for scraps..and usually that's all I'm fucking given. But my mom takes me to the store and gets me exactly two weeks worth of groceries to live off of before I move and those fucking jerks got high every night and fucking ate it all in a couple of days..so I had to asking my fucking grandmother for money so I didn't starve. And when I complain about it? I'm being the jerk. THEY ALL HAVE JOBS, BUY YOUR OWN FUCKING FOOD. Ach. ACCCCH. So I can't wait..I really can't. I'm tired of it.

This Saturday is the big day. I'll have most of my stuff moved and I'll be living with my mom. It's really pretty damn sad leaving the only home I've ever known. I feel a little lost and misplaced, and as it comes closer to the day it gets a little worse. But..I just have to tell myself it's for the best, and it's better than the alternative. I can't make it on my own right now, I can't live with the boys. And so if it means living with my mom, and hour away from my friends than that's the way it will have to be. I have a chance to get on my own two feet, I won't have to go hungry anymore, it will be quiet, and I can have my dogs..there's really nothing more I could ask for. It will be an adjustment, but I'm just so damn grateful that I'll take it. The Monday after I move in, my stepbrother is going to take me up to Random House..the book company, and see about getting a job there. Basically I'll just be putting books into boxes in a warehouse, but I'm weird and I like that kind of stuff. Plus the benefits are real good and the pay should be decent enough..I don't need a lot for now living with my mom and all, so keep your fingers crossed.

Jon is back? Heh. Yeah. Seems things aren't working out with his girl cause she's a bitch. Well, I could have told him that would happen..but I was nice and I didn't give him the I told you so routine, I honestly feel bad for him. Hey, I'm not always petty. He needed a place to stay, I told him along time ago that if things fail and he needed to come back than he should, and I don't say things I don't mean. I thought it would be real awkward at first? But it's actually really not. It's funny..the whole time he was gone..all I wanted him to do was come back cause I missed him so bad..and now..well, eh. Not so much I guess. I love him still, sure..I always will..I just don't think I love him with the same passion I had before. I know that it would never work..I could never trust him again, ever. And I would always be worried that I was about to get my heart ripped out again, and I don't EVER want to feel like I did when he left..so no, I would never go there again. Guess I needed closure, and this was it. Now I can move on. Like the line in the song Thank You. "How about how good it feels to finally forgive you." It really does. It feels like a weight has been lifted off my shoulders. People fuck up, it's human nature. I can hold a grudge forever or I can accept it, forgive, move on, and learn something from the whole experience. Which I have. It does kind of suck that he seems very hesitant about getting close to me again..I think he thinks I'm gonna go all psycho crazy on him, and I understand that so I don't press the issue. Maybe one day we'll get that friendship back..if not..I'll settle for acquaintances

Uhm. So, yeah, that's about it. Things are a confusing mixture of emotions right now..and my bipolar brain is having a lot of fun with it. I'll feel more at ease on Saturday. Til then I'm keeping my head up and pushing forward. Hey, it's all you can do.

..So much for short. XD
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