Mar 22, 2006 02:54
Iie in a IuIIaby: yay soup
PersonaI Enemy: soup
PersonaI Enemy: Now I want soup
Iie in a IuIIaby: .. -makes some?-
PersonaI Enemy: Soup is a funny word when you say it a lot
Iie in a IuIIaby: soup?
Iie in a IuIIaby: yeah ... it is ..
PersonaI Enemy: Who thought to call it soup
PersonaI Enemy: I know..this should be...soup!
PersonaI Enemy: lol soup -creacks herself up-
PersonaI Enemy: cracks too
PersonaI Enemy: I know what word I don't like?
PersonaI Enemy: Chuckles.
PersonaI Enemy: I hate when people chuckle
Iie in a IuIIaby: did you know that not only does soup mean ... well, you know, soup ... but it also means an unfortunate predicament?
Iie in a IuIIaby: I mean ... how stupid would that sound in a sentence?
Iie in a IuIIaby: "Well, isn't this a soup."
PersonaI Enemy: lmfao
PersonaI Enemy: ":/ I've gotten myself into a soup"
Iie in a IuIIaby: I only like chuckling when it's a nervous chuckle. That means I've scared the persona nd they're trying to get away xD
Iie in a IuIIaby: XD
Iie in a IuIIaby: You see what I mean?
Iie in a IuIIaby: !
Iie in a IuIIaby: Wouldn't you feel STUPID saying that?
PersonaI Enemy: I'm going to start now
Iie in a IuIIaby: xD
PersonaI Enemy: Well this is just a fine soup.
Iie in a IuIIaby: -falls over laughing0-