close encounters of the OH MY GOSH kind

Jun 20, 2005 00:56

It's funny. I walked into the dining room today to find my mother chatting with her neighborly friend. "You're pitiful...If you came in here hoping for sympathy you're not getting it." Well yes I'd much rather have a ticket to Austin City Limits than sympathy, even if I am hung over off my ass.

I got in the shower and I just wanted my childhood back. I didn't want to stand there washing my hair with Coconut shampoo "that ROCKS" and admire the fact that my breasts had grown. It was not a time for REvengeful thoughts of washing away all my guilt through justifying his pain with my own. It was a time for being young again! I desperately wished I had a washcloth so I could plug up the drain, turn up the hot water, and play Fantasia with my shampoo bottles. I blew my nose with all my might and freedom dripped down my face along with the snot because in the shower you don't need to catch your microplasmas with tissue! As I sat there cross legged I noticed that my legs were preventing the water from going down the drain so ironically, even though the most water was falling in the center of the shower (as most shower water does) this was also the place where the least water was. Everywhere else the water level was rising even though the deluge wasn't as strong, just because I was sitting there. And I thought that's cool I like being older so I can notice things like that while still sitting at the bottom of my dungeon shower.

(I also noticed that had I still been of that young age, shampoo would make a good toy posing as potion)
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