3 • 11 • 61

Jan 03, 2013 12:36

So I was uncharacteristically enthused about starting a new year (arbitrary calendars, bah humbug, etc). And I had this thought last night: I hope I look back at the end of this year and see that I've accomplished a lot*. And then I realized that at this time next year, I won't be looking back at the previous year, I'll instead be looking forward to the year ahead and hoping that I will look back with approval at the same time the subsequent year.

Damn future selves. There's no pleasing them.

THERE HAS TO BE ART!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And lots of it!!!!!!!!!!

2012, though, was quite a year, I guess.

- winter: made a goal to read 30 science books. I think I read... 5. and then wandered right off that goal. But that's ok, 'cause I was REALLY EXCITED about it while I read those 5 books, so it served a big part of its purpose.
- spring: spent two weeks driving across the country, down the california coast, and back across the country with James.
- late spring: went to the beach with James and his family.
- summer: moved in with James. It took me four or five months to feel at all normal and get over some of the oppressive expectations I had on myself to be a good pseudo-wifey. So it's very, very good now... but was difficult at first.
- summer: and we adopted two cats!!! <3 <3 <3
- fall: recruitment was dead on the research studies that I facilitate, and then picked up at the end of Nov and through December, making my worklife crazy.stress.hell. (as opposed to crazys.très.shell)
- fall & winter: I knitted a TON and made a spreadsheet to organize my projects, which made me a lot more productive (better at FINISHING STUFF). Gearing up to open an etsy shop. I'm hoping that will be included in next year's updates, assuming I bother to reflect on the year.
- winter again: I seemed to have some seasonal affect and other issues this year, after a few years' reprieve. I thought I was done caring what the sun chooses to do with its time in the winter, especially since I don't have a window in my office. But yeah, guess I was wrong about that, 'cause I experienced a big stress, depression, holidays etc boot to the head.

This sounds complainy. I don't mean it that way. I'd sum it up by saying, a lot of great stuff happened, a lot of which somehow affected me poorly.
So really, no wonder that I was ready to get on with it and start a new year.

I think one of the best things I could do in life is MORE REPRESENTATIONAL DRAWING, because:
- I need practice
- I need Things to make into sculptures and whatnot
- my attempts at representational drawing generate a lot of nonsense, which is creativity-making and sometimes hilarious. And it's good to be off in a room all by yourself laughing your ass off. Keeps your loved ones guessing.

So I ended the day yesterday by doodling, and then dreamed I was writing a graphic novel and had pages and pages of draft drawings. Excellent!

doodily doodily doo:

This was random, but the more I looked at it, the more I realized that it's a picture of exactly what I want to do in the upcoming year... take some damn happyquiet time to ascend to the tower of my mind/creativity.

dream, inspiration, art

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