Feb 21, 2009 04:09
So, I just finished watching the Creationist v. Evolutionist special from a year ago (yes, I'm a LONG way behind), and something struck me.
What's with the animosity from the RRS (Rational Response Squad)? I've seen this attitude before and it genuinely just comes off as annoying. Granted, both sides were making inflammatory statements, but wow.
A little background. Obviously, I'm a Christian. I do wholeheartedly believe in Jesus as my Savior. Now, some would say (99% "atheists" [I use the quotes because most are just angst-ridden teens]) that I'm contorting religion and the Bible to my beliefs. But here's what I get from the Holy Script:
God is the only true God.
To be immoral and go against the cause of God is to be unrepentant and unforgivable.
To believe, you can not base it of a microscope, a trendy new way of seeing things, a lucky lottery ticket. The only way is through Jesus. He came down to die for us and through Him and Him alone God will forgive us. We as a world have broken our paradise that He gave us, and although you and I didn't start that vicious cycle, we must bear the burden of our ancestors because whether we realize or not, sin occurs DAILY, and in that statement, just remember that you're only human, and He does love us (remember that being that died for us?). Just make a conscious and genuine effort (see also, no ulterior motives) and don't leave Him out of your life. Talk to Him. He'll listen, I promise you that.
The big secret is that you do not have to go to a building made of brick and stone to worship and revel in the glory of our Lord. Church is the ideal of the glorification of God through shared praise and the open vocalization of His Word. Church is being filled by righteous exuberance and living unashamed of being His child. Share it with your friends. Sing it in the streets. We're alive, guys! And coming back to a point that was made, we only have one life on this earth. Two lives if we live it right, and the second one lasts a whole lot longer than the first, I assure you.
For the most part, Modern Christians have got it right. I think the thing that gets left out is that it's NOT for us to condemn or demonize people for seeing the world differently. For so long, I snubbed a lot of opposing beliefs thinking that I was right (which I still belief I am), but I had a realization one night when I was talking to God.
It's not my place to judge people or condemn them.
I (and thank goodness for this) am not God. I'm His child. I can't begin to fathom how He works miracles into life every single day. But, I can be a living embodiment to the ideals of humanity, and in that love completely and glorify His name for my days.
I believe that we were put on this earth not only to find God in our lives and within ourselves, but to encourage others to do the same. Encourage. Doesn't sound like a venomous statement, right?
That's because it's not.
We're here to love one another with our whole beings, to grow together as a community under Christ, who lifts us to our Father's Kingdom. So, who am I to spread a message of damnation, and hatred? It's been said by millions (Yes, that's a lot) of people in history and will likely continue until the revelation of His word is made clear. I mean, everyone (I am exaggerating, I know) knows that to sin is to go to Hell. But it's not for me to send them there, it's for me to try to lift them up and bring them to Jesus to take them the rest of the way home.
This has been a LONG time coming for me. I came into Christ in fear of my eternal soul, because I knew I'd been living wrong. The biggest thing was that I didn't need to be reminded that Hell was knocking. I felt my soul moving closer. I felt the heat and fear, and at first, much to my hypocrisy in retrospect, I clung to Christ as a fearful child hides from a swatting. However, as I communed with other Christians I realized that this is what my heart has been dying to sing about for so long! So, although I came for the most insincere of reasons, I came to develop a beautiful, and loving relationship with Christ, and through His blood I know God as my one true God.
Now, I am not saying that a brick and mortar church is a bad thing at all! I'm simply saying that God and Jesus Christ do not exist only one or two days a week! He's the only friend that you don't need modern technology to get a hold of! Just two hands and a heart that cries out for Him. Oh, and a bended knee never hurt.
I started this journal entry wanting to comment on the video I saw but looking back on it, I'd say that my heart yearned to share more than my commentary on a long embattled subject. It looks as though I felt that whoever would hear this or read this needs to know that God loves you. It's a beautiful truth that you can't deny no matter how hard you try. They say that the Holy Spirit moves in each of us, and now I can't argue a bit with that. Here's my proof.
Guys, there's one answer to the weak and weary, the cold and hungry, the unfulfilled. And that's love. Pure, unrepentant love, and that only comes from Jesus and God Above Him.
If reading this has moved you and you don't know where to go from here, please get in touch with me. I'll be more than happy to help you find the answers you need to ask.
I love you all and there's nothing you can do about it.
Bless you all.