So, I tried to crosspost, and it didn't work :o( Who knows what new, stupid thing I'm doing wrong. I hate learning new stuff (change is bad; cavemen rock), and sorry for the spam.
ETA: at least this one worked. Okay, DW is very nice and everything; I'm sure it's very user friendly. But people should keep in mind when developing ANYTHING that they should imagine the stupidest person ever. Got it? Stupidest person EVAR? Got 'im there in ur hed? Now imagine someone stupider, and develop for them. It's just--gah, spell everything out; I won't begrudge you for baby-talking me; seriously, I won't. /rant
ETA2: Oh! And what my first testing post said was: I am now username "joy" on DW, thanks
redbrickrose. There were detailed plans for how I'd be using DW, which basically were: it shouldn't affect you at all! I hope to use it as my primary service, but I only will if there's a way to subscribe to LJ people on DW without the LJ people having to set up openids or me having to set up feeds of everyone I want to read, and I'll be crossposting for the forseeable future, so no worries.