End of an era...

Oct 03, 2008 10:43

For the last year and a half my biggest fandom has been something I haven't talked about all that much.

I'll always be a part of BtVS and Angel fandom, not only because I love the canon but because the people there mean a lot to me. I still have a lot of fics I want to write in it, but I've slowed down a lot. But even when that was my biggest fandom, and many times since, I've had flings: Harry/Draco, Pam/Jim, BSG, Horatio Hornblower. My thing now is Gordon/Batman, and though I love it much, I suspect it is but a fling.

This fandom was not a fling.

That fandom is/was mistful's writing. Those of you that know are probably saying, doesn't she just write Harry/Draco fanfiction? Well, yes. And in some ways, you could say Harry/Draco has been that secret non-fling fandom for the past year and a half. I do love the ship for itself, and when I write fic for it, it is about what I bring to those two characters.

But though mistful does use those characters, I don't believe you have to like the ship--or even like them, or even know the canon--to love these stories, and be so, so glad you read them. They have been my fandom, not the source material. They've been the places my mind has wandered, when I have free time; they've been the things I wanted to write fanfic about; they've been the things I needed to talk about.

mistful isn't going to write any more fanfiction, because she's going to be writing profic. She's started a fantasy trilogy (the Demon's Lexicon); the first book is going to be published in 2009. I'm happy, and not just for her. I'm anticipating those books more eagerly than I ever anticipated Harry Potter, and as much as books by any of my favorite authors (most of whom are dead, so I don't really get that eager). Because I am a die hard fangirl, there's a comm where you can talk about her professional stuff here: marmalade_fish.

But that does mean she's finished all her fanfic, and will be taking it all down in a month or so. I...feel weird about that. I can't even read the final chapter of my favorite fic yet--I'm not sure why, but I think it's because it won't be enough for me, and I don't want it to be over. I've been reading and loving these stories for a year and a half. And now they're over, and in some ways I don't know what to do with myself.

So here's what I do. I want to share this with you all, for a myriad of reasons. They've been a part of me, and I want to share that with you. I want mistful to succeed in her professional work, so that she will get all that she deserves. But most of all, I want you to get the enjoyment that I got from these stories. Few things make me as happy as these do--talking to good friends, being with my family, walks in crisp weather with the leaves changing color, knowing you're making a difference, and a good story you can throw yourself into--these things make me happy.

This is a guide I gave to my_daroga, who wasn't a fan of Harry/Draco, or even Harry Potter, but she was interested in me and my opinions, so she gave it a go. And loved them too! So, if you're not a fan, but want to give it a try:

Here's the long, starter one:
Quality of Mercy: This is the one I recced first because it was the most "in character". It was possible to see how the characters from canon become these other people, and also how the story from canon continues in this way (this fic was started after Halfblood Prince, but before the Deathly Hallows came out, so it's an alternate Book 7). It's a simple, "what happens next?" without asking you to swallow much more than that at the get-go.

But again, I wouldn't read these stories as though these are the characters of Harry and Draco from Harry Potter. In some ways, the characters do have a lot in common with the canon characters, but they really become their own people--people I love far more than their canon counterparts.

This is the story whose last chapter I can't read. I love it too much and it makes me too sad.

Here's the crack to your veins one:
Drop Dead Gorgeous: This is the best, and most addictive. It's also completely crack--not only do you have to get past the fact that these are supposed to be Harry and Draco; you have to get past the premise, which is ridiculous, and wonderful.

The Way We Get By: Should be read in conjunction with Drop Dead Gorgeous. It's from another character's POV, which just makes me think, "Stephenie Meyer, lolwut?" But it's really amazing, getting inside this character's head--it's everything you'd expect, except also with a million things you didn't.

Here are short ones to get you started if you're not sure you want to commit:
Coda To The Epilogue: Twenty Years Later, or The Kids Are Alright: This went around a lot when Deathly Hallows came out--I think even some of you who are not fans on my list might have read it. It's a short piece that happens after Deathly Hallows. I think, like Quality of Mercy, the characters in this are conceivably in character, and that the plot is believable for the canon. But if you're not a fan of canon, I'd rec the bottom two over this one, which is mostly just a delicious romp.

Your Every Wish: This is short and dark with great concepts and writing. I'm not sure it's necessarily Harry, but it's what I think Harry should be had he been real, and even if you're not interested in Harry, the themes in this are so vital.

Dark Side of Light: This is my favorite shorter one, but like Drop Dead Gorgeous, I think there's a bit to swallow right at the beginning. It's all dialgoue, which I don't think works entirely, mostly because it has too much the feel of a trick. But the story of these two characters--no matter who they are--affects me so much, and means so much to me.


These fics won't be up for much longer. On October 6, they'll all be taken down and put on a PDF, which will be downloadable for one month. I'd rec reading them there rather than the links I've provided--some of the formatting on some of them is messed up. But get them while you can.

Okay, I'm done. Thanks for listening.

rec: fic

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