Pretty much
Man's Best Friend was some of the best times I ever had writing. I'm trying to write more for
lynnevitational, but it's definitely going to be late. Anyway, the problem is that I like it so much I'm all serious about it now. I got the prompt from
when I asked which fics I would never write. Come on, it was Angel gets a freakin' *puppy*, people; I don't know how to take that seriously (thank you
jgracio). And because I couldn't take it seriously I came up with some stuff I really liked. Thus endeth the whining section of our program.
Now for the requesty part! I don't have that many Harry/Draco friends, but if you read them/like them/know them at all! Here is your place to give me a crack prompt for H/D. It can be as cracktastic as you like! Something you think could never be written! Or no one would want to write! As cracktastic as
this! I can't say I'll actually write it, but I need to stop stressing about that Eighth Year fic I want to write and can't because I'm way too serious about it. Only H/D, guys. I feel very bad for all the Buffy people on my friendslist, and even worse for the few of you here for other reasons, but I can't get them off my head.
ETA: I didn't realize this until now. But if you have any crack prompts that could take place at Hogwarts, right after DH, with Harry and co. returning to make up that 7th year--I'd be more likely to do that. Thanks!
And/Or! Go leave your crack prompts at
here, and maybe other people will pick them up. There needs to be more crack there, people! Do the world a service like a good samaritan.
I'm still working on the drabble prompts.
If you want to submit one, please do, just leave the fandom off. Thank you!