Meanwhile, I am analyzing Stulti as a text. I think this process would be fueled by peanut butter rice krispie treats, but alas, I have all of those ingredients EXCEPT for rice krispies.
What do you have so far on Stulti as a text? Usually I just pantyfan her into oblivion.
I like Rice Krispies. However last time I got these knock offs that were just as good. Don't tell Snap or Crackle. But you can tell Pop; he's an ass.
I love that icon. My_daroga and I were discussing how you can make us feel the love even when we have never felt it previously, and RG may have gotten mentioned.
Well, I'm five pages in and I have yet to even analyze her fic. I've talked about her TAGS, website, fanfic awards, lj user interests, and um, other stuff all in relation to some lit theory about "the author function" as a criterion of value. It's a trip, man. I'm so glad she's down with this.
I love this icon too - I think it's one of the default icons that's had the most longevity with me. And you guys were talking about me! As an instigator of LOVE no less. Excellent.
Zounds, you were serious. That . . . is a paper I would pay money to read.
Yes, but discussion of your instigation of love was riddle with exclamations of "Curses!" and "damn her!" as we shook our fists at the skies, for we have not time for the more! new! shiny! you force on us. We come to you all innocent and unknowing to feed obsessions already plaguing us and then you thrust upon us more obsession. Is it fair? I ask you.
Haha. Yes, I am totally serious. Yet also sitting here bemused as I actually do it. And you will not have to pay money to read it. Providing I don't hate it, I will let you read it when I am finished.
And is it fair, I ask YOU that the WORLD keeps providing me with new things to obsess about (publicly)?
AwesomeI'msohappy pls don't be forgetting to be sending, yes? Though if you hate it, I understand. BUT HOW COULD YOU HATE ANYTHING ABOUT STULTI? This is so exciting.
It's funny that you add the publicly as I go through obsessions like water but I tend not to post about them. I think I don't want to go through all the trouble and drama of finding people to talk about it with. Building a flist for Buffyverse was apparently traumatic for me? I don't know. Oh, speaking of new and private obsessions, was it you who said you had a vid of Pam/Jim on your You!Tube favorites? OMG I LOVE THEM SO HARD and for a while was reading the trashiest fic where they had lots and lots of secks.
Well, lately I am sparing in my friending (as my flist is too much for me already) and I tend to friend people who share multiple obsessions with me or similar points of view/other interests. Like people whose journals I'm interested in regardless of what they're talking about.
To continue with my (apparent) aiding and abetting: [my jim/pam tag on None of which are trashy (even though several involve phone sex). I mean, you HAVE read "Warning Labels," right? It's annakovsky and honey_wheeler (who is one of my favorites in HP and FNL as well) and uh, some other people who are also good.
No. I haven't read anything but crap, really. It was a week's worth of late at night, need a fix type things where I wasn't even bothering to look for quality. I thought I was turning into someone who wouldn't even fall for new het ships any more since so many of my recent ones have been slash, and was happy to be proven wrong.
Thanks so much for the links! And the vid--omg it makes me so happy. I love them so much.
Well, I feel like a dork because I KEEP falling for canon het ships of late (John/Aeryn, Ron/Hermione, Jim/Pam, etc.). Except, you know, that thing where I generally don't get embarrassed of the things I like all that much.
And you're welcome. I'm serious about "Warning Labels" and annakovsky's other Office fic.
I'm afraid I got really bored with this show. I got into the middle of season three and just got really tired of it. I love the hell out of Aeryn, and Crichton is okay, and I like the way they relate, but most of the time I don't understand what they're feeling or like the things that happen with the 'ship. Maybe I need to give it another go, though.
I like the weird. I like the way it says, "Hey, let's do this totally overdone genre plot cliche except do it ONE HUNDRED TIMES WEIRDER!" And sometimes it's a disaster, but, by god, sometimes it soars. It has some of the most beautiful, epic images I've ever seen in sci-fi.
It really helps, I suppose, that I have a mad crush on Ben Browder. I should do a post about why I like the t.v. heroes I do, 'cause Crichton's hitting a truckload of my kinks.
I LOVE the weirdness, and I love how yeah, they take those stock plots and make them even crazier.
I do not, however, admire what I see as extreme lack of character development in S3, and narrative consistency throughout all of it.
Meanwhile, the only person I have a crush on is Claudia Black. Okay, sometimes Crais because he's a bitch. AND SCORPIUS OF COURSE.
Browder annoys me. For a while I was totally over it because Crichton was broody and had an evil chip thing and did the crazy I DON'T CARE IF I'M GOING TO FUCKING DIE, I'M GOING TO SAVE THE WORLD *AND* THE KITTENS KTHXBAI. But when I stopped neither Crichton seemed to be doing ANYTHING. humph.
I'm 2/3 through S3. I've enjoyed it, but I was lulled by all the snogging. I'll let you know if anything redeeming happens in the back third, character- and narrative-wise.
Of the pack of them, Scorpius most consistently fills me with glee.
I like Rice Krispies. However last time I got these knock offs that were just as good. Don't tell Snap or Crackle. But you can tell Pop; he's an ass.
I love that icon. My_daroga and I were discussing how you can make us feel the love even when we have never felt it previously, and RG may have gotten mentioned.
I love this icon too - I think it's one of the default icons that's had the most longevity with me. And you guys were talking about me! As an instigator of LOVE no less. Excellent.
Yes, but discussion of your instigation of love was riddle with exclamations of "Curses!" and "damn her!" as we shook our fists at the skies, for we have not time for the more! new! shiny! you force on us. We come to you all innocent and unknowing to feed obsessions already plaguing us and then you thrust upon us more obsession. Is it fair? I ask you.
And is it fair, I ask YOU that the WORLD keeps providing me with new things to obsess about (publicly)?
It's funny that you add the publicly as I go through obsessions like water but I tend not to post about them. I think I don't want to go through all the trouble and drama of finding people to talk about it with. Building a flist for Buffyverse was apparently traumatic for me? I don't know. Oh, speaking of new and private obsessions, was it you who said you had a vid of Pam/Jim on your You!Tube favorites? OMG I LOVE THEM SO HARD and for a while was reading the trashiest fic where they had lots and lots of secks.
To continue with my (apparent) aiding and abetting: [my jim/pam tag on None of which are trashy (even though several involve phone sex). I mean, you HAVE read "Warning Labels," right? It's annakovsky and honey_wheeler (who is one of my favorites in HP and FNL as well) and uh, some other people who are also good.
Speaking of annakovsky, here is her jim/pam tag on, which is much more extensive than mine:
Thanks so much for the links! And the vid--omg it makes me so happy. I love them so much.
And you're welcome. I'm serious about "Warning Labels" and annakovsky's other Office fic.
I'm afraid I got really bored with this show. I got into the middle of season three and just got really tired of it. I love the hell out of Aeryn, and Crichton is okay, and I like the way they relate, but most of the time I don't understand what they're feeling or like the things that happen with the 'ship. Maybe I need to give it another go, though.
It really helps, I suppose, that I have a mad crush on Ben Browder. I should do a post about why I like the t.v. heroes I do, 'cause Crichton's hitting a truckload of my kinks.
I do not, however, admire what I see as extreme lack of character development in S3, and narrative consistency throughout all of it.
Meanwhile, the only person I have a crush on is Claudia Black. Okay, sometimes Crais because he's a bitch. AND SCORPIUS OF COURSE.
Browder annoys me. For a while I was totally over it because Crichton was broody and had an evil chip thing and did the crazy I DON'T CARE IF I'M GOING TO FUCKING DIE, I'M GOING TO SAVE THE WORLD *AND* THE KITTENS KTHXBAI. But when I stopped neither Crichton seemed to be doing ANYTHING. humph.
Of the pack of them, Scorpius most consistently fills me with glee.
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