FANDOM/LJ A. Probably, but I don’t care. B. Absolutely. But I don’t care. C. I understand exactly how some of them feel, actually (the ones who are squicked by the idea of someone else doing Awful Things to their babies.) The ones like Lee Goldberg are just insane. D. Probably, but I don’t care. E. I don’t care. F. Dunno. And don’t care. G. No. H. I don’t know. I care a little, though.
BUFFYVERSE I. They’re just messing with him, i.e. “Plot? We were supposed to have a plot?” J. Connor/Cordy was HIDEOUSLY unpopular. Also, cost-cutting. K. It makes me sad because I have no interest at all in the Slayer School. Joss may be tired of Angel and Spike, but I’m way more interested in what happens to them than in Buffy living la dolce vita in Rome. M. No, yes, and most. N. No, it couldn’t, because for all its hellishness, Quor-toth had a breathable atmosphere.
RANDOM O. Not much. P. Not much.
FIC Q. Very seldom. R. Sometimes S. Two. T. Depends on the fic. Short ones, yes, long ones, I’ve already edited the heck out of them and would only do a last look-over for typos. U. I don’t think about them much. I have a template. V. A thing at the beginning of the story that turns 90% of the possible readers away. W. I dislike them intensely, and generally hit the back button as soon as that immortal line "If you don't marry/have sex with/become the slave of X, the universe will implode/demons will inhabit the earth/this puppy will die!" shows up.
K. As I understand it, it's not because Whedon is tired of Angel and Spike that he does not continue with them, but because he does not own the characters of AtS. I could be wrong about his motives, though.
V. Ha, why is that? W. Whenever I see it in the summary I think it's the lamest thing ever...and yet often I end up reading and enjoying anyway. I don't know what's wrong with me either.
He doesn't own the characters of Buffy, either. (shrug) Obviously in a story contemporaneous with AtS season 5, there's not going to be any logical way to have Angel and Spike in the story anyway, but he said in his latest interview that even if there were no restrictions on using Angel and Spike, he would use them only sparingly. I just don't think he's interested in the vampires as anything other than object lessons for Buffy--certainly not as continuing romantic interests. Once the lesson is over, they pass out of her life.
Unfortunately for Joss, he doesn't have the balls to definitively break off either B/A or B/S, because romance sells.
A. Probably, but I don’t care.
B. Absolutely. But I don’t care.
C. I understand exactly how some of them feel, actually (the ones who are squicked by the idea of someone else doing Awful Things to their babies.) The ones like Lee Goldberg are just insane.
D. Probably, but I don’t care.
E. I don’t care.
F. Dunno. And don’t care.
G. No.
H. I don’t know. I care a little, though.
I. They’re just messing with him, i.e. “Plot? We were supposed to have a plot?”
J. Connor/Cordy was HIDEOUSLY unpopular. Also, cost-cutting.
K. It makes me sad because I have no interest at all in the Slayer School. Joss may be tired of Angel and Spike, but I’m way more interested in what happens to them than in Buffy living la dolce vita in Rome.
M. No, yes, and most.
N. No, it couldn’t, because for all its hellishness, Quor-toth had a breathable atmosphere.
O. Not much.
P. Not much.
Q. Very seldom.
R. Sometimes
S. Two.
T. Depends on the fic. Short ones, yes, long ones, I’ve already edited the heck out of them and would only do a last look-over for typos.
U. I don’t think about them much. I have a template.
V. A thing at the beginning of the story that turns 90% of the possible readers away.
W. I dislike them intensely, and generally hit the back button as soon as that immortal line "If you don't marry/have sex with/become the slave of X, the universe will implode/demons will inhabit the earth/this puppy will die!" shows up.
H. Why?
K. As I understand it, it's not because Whedon is tired of Angel and Spike that he does not continue with them, but because he does not own the characters of AtS. I could be wrong about his motives, though.
V. Ha, why is that?
W. Whenever I see it in the summary I think it's the lamest thing ever...and yet often I end up reading and enjoying anyway. I don't know what's wrong with me either.
Unfortunately for Joss, he doesn't have the balls to definitively break off either B/A or B/S, because romance sells.
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