Title: Conceit(s)
Rating: NC-17
Pairings: B/A. Very B/A, except it's all about Spike. The ending is B/A/S.
Summary: This used to be titled, "5 Ways Those Bluggy Birds Never Shagged", but Spike decided to make it eponymous.
A/N: Warning for experimentation with style, POV, voice, and uh, reality. Take it with a grain of salt, I guess
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1. Yes, yes! And he is right (although that won't fix everything), but he's also right that they would never do that. Except when their hands accidently caress acrosss a table and they do.
2. Yes and thank you! I wanted her to come across as alpha, which is why I had her start to take off her shirt. But I really liked Angel looming in front of her and ripping her clothes off. And you were smart enough enough to point out I could have my aplha and hot sex too! Because you are smart.
But more to the point, it boters me when people say that Angel is a wuss around Buffy and he's better off without her. I never saw that. In season 2, he defers to her, but I think that's more because he's been hiding under a rock for 90 years and is unsure of himself. That's a separate issue from Buffy. In season 3, he ddecides on hos own what to do about Faith and does it. He doesn't ask Buffy's permission; he doesn't discuss it with her. He knows it's the best approach, so he goes and does it. Not wussy.
It's one of the things I find so interesting about them. I think they don't feel much of a need to prove anything to each other and, as a result, it's totally freeing. Riley always felt second best, even though that wasn't Buffy's intent, but in the end, it doomed them. And while I think Buffy does love Spike, she wears the pants in that relationship. Not necessarilly a bad thing, and I know many people thinks she needs that. But I honestly don't think she does. The B/A relationship seems to be that both of them wear the pants and don't wear the pants both at once.
5. I can't pull off those sunken cheekbones. Or the smoking.
Your Buffy was alpha-y, I just thought you should emphasize it more, which you did, to fabulous effect. We're both so smart!
The trouble with explaining B/A to people who don't like it is what they have S1-2 is NOT what you would want for them. He does defer to her because he has been under a rock for 90 years. It's later, when he comes into his own--and when Buffy kinda comes into her own too--that I think they are most suited.
I have meta on this, based on some things you've said (hahaha my character meta is always based on you!) about the power dynamics of B/A post NFA. But mostly it's about Angel's "alphaness" or lack thereof. I need to think more about Buffy because frankly, B/S distresses and confuses me so much I couldn't tell you which wears the pants. But yeah, with B/A, I like it when neither are wearing pants. 'Cause then they're naked and having lots of hot sex.
I don't really know about the pants. With B/A they're a couple for a short time and they never have the time to do the wrangling that people do to work out how the pantswearing goes. And those fights would be significant because they'd usually wind up being about what each of them really thinks is important in life. They're generally not going to fight over things that don't matter -- the example of the fights they'd have are things like 'Sanctuary' which is about two things - them respecting each other as damaged near-adults and also a professional dispute over jurisdiction... but they're both fighting over different things - and they know why they're fighting. Those fights are part of building toward a more stable future.
Buffy/Spike's fights about pantswearing are different because I think they aren't fighting over the same thing. Spike is trying to hold onto her, and fighting to try to control because he needs it to feel important. While Buffy is working through all of her anger. So even when they're fighting over pants, they aren't fightin over the same things and they never really build to anything. The best they do is help her deal with the unhappiness. And then you get S7, where Spike is realizing that, and so he's not pushing her as much because he realizes those fights over who is who aren't going to solve anything.
I don't really know about the pants. With B/A they're a couple for a short time and they never have the time to do the wrangling that people do to work out how the pantswearing goes. And those fights would be significant because they'd usually wind up being about what each of them really thinks is important in life. They're generally not going to fight over things that don't matter -- the example of the fights they'd have are things like 'Sanctuary' which is about two things - them respecting each other as damaged near-adults and also a professional dispute over jurisdiction... but they're both fighting over different things - and they know why they're fighting. Those fights are part of building toward a more stable future.
Buffy/Spike's fights about pantswearing are different because I think they aren't fighting over the same thing. Spike is trying to hold onto her, and fighting to try to control because he needs it to feel important. While Buffy is working through all of her anger. So even when they're fighting over pants, they aren't fightin over the same things and they never really build to anything. The best they do is help her deal with the unhappiness. And then you get S7, where Spike is realizing that, and so he's not pushing her as much because he realizes those fights over who is who aren't going to solve anything.
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