1. There's a gray bar at the top of my journal and everywhere I go in lj land that has a tiny pic of my icon, and stuff like "post to journal" "view friends page". Was that always there?
2. When you're about to post to your journal, so you use that gray bar, do you just call up semagic, do you go to your user info page and go to "Journal" and then "update"?
3. If you have your journal bookmarked, what is bookmarked--the "recent entries" page?
4. Do you sometimes suspect that everyone has easier ways of navigating their journals than you?
5. Do you reply to thing on your flist the first time you see the posts? Or do you mark them or remember them and go back to them? Or do you just not reply to a couple of people for a while, then all the sudden click on their names and reply to like 5 posts of theirs at once?
6. Do you still have comments from over a month ago to which you mean to reply?
7. Do you feel bad when you don't answer someone's comment to a post you've done?
8. Do you get bunnies for icons every once in a while the way you do for fic?
9. Do you ever feel like everyone is going faster than you somehow?
10. Do you have ideas for posts and half-written posts sitting around--kinda like fic?
11. Does anyone else feel weird IM'ing someone you know on lj but never talked to on IM before?
12. Does anyone else have trouble logging OFF IM once they've logged on because there are too many people they haven't talked to?
13. Is anyone else so one track minded that they can't do anything else or talk to anyone else once they're talking to one person on IM? I can't multi-task. At ALL. And when I try I just get all slow and agitated.
14. Does anyone else get itchy about their bio info? Like you'd really like to put something interesting there but can't think of anything?
Quintessential Vid Recs
So, I had these dl'ing problems and these soundcard problems and all kinds of other computer problems, but now those problems are gone. Except for the fact that I'm technologically illiterate and will never know what I am doing when it comes to these things. The point of the sad story is that I've never really watched fanvids before, and now I can. So, I'm wondering: What are your quintessential vid recs? What's the one that you think everyone should see, either because everyone talks about it the most, or because you love it the best? What's the defining fanvid of your 'ship, your character, your moment of truth? What's your canon fanon, vid-style? If you can, link please, because I suck at the whole . . . finding things.