Title: Best Souvenir
Rating: PG for now
Warnings: None for now
Pairings: just B/A for now
Summary: Whistler never existed. Buffy and Angel meet after the End of Days is over. Future fic, alternate reality.
A/N: Much thanks to
a2zmom, as always, for finding out was wrong with that one part!
Previous chapters can be found
Chapter 15 )
Hot. That's all I'm saying about that. See- this is the kind of thing that *really* gets me- the longing, but the *not* acting. And the longer you draw it out- the hotter it will be to me.
She took the top of the hydrogen peroxide and poured a liberal amount onto some gauze I think you mean top 'off'.
Hm. What a good idea. I'm so glad you like that bit. Sometimes a simple touch can be hotter than pages of smut. Thanks.
Oh, and typo! Thanks, fixed!
I have.
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