Aug 27, 2006 01:02
I never really saw me doing this, but here goes.
This lj was meant to be a reading list. I don't know what it is now. Some of you are people I consider friends; some I adore talking to; some I'm interested in for interest's sake; some I like hearing from; some I haven't heard from in ages; some our interests have diverged; some I'd like to keep up with but feel like I can't give you attention you deserve because of time and other constraints. Other people have added me who I'm interested because they seem like very fascinating, beautiful people who have lots to add to this world, and I haven't added them back sheerly because I've already felt so backlogged on the whole flist thing that I felt I couldn't possibly have time to click the button, much less read their contributions. I can't define what all of you are, and I can't define the list as a whole. In the end, quite frankly, I don't see why I should be compelled to bother for that one nice, neat definition.
Suffice it to say that I don't bear any hard feelings, or, what is sometimes worse, find any of you uninteresting. I just don't have the time, and don't want to waste yours if you don't feel the need to keep me friended if we don't have that mutual friended thing going on. So, I'm making some cuts to my flist. That doesn't mean that I will never speak to you again, or even never add you back again. It merely means that for the time being I'm finding it hard to keep up. I'm doing what I need to to give the people both on and off my list the attention and respect I feel every person that has something to contribute--as each of you do--deserves.
If I've hurt your feelings or you have something to say to me about this, please email me at,