So, my BFF and I started Buffy tonight, and that very first scene in WTTH she yelled out, "Watch out! He's a vaaaampiiiiire!!!!" And then when the credits rolled she was all, "OMG it was her!" Still got to be the best opening ever.
So, the Tiffster giggled in appropriate places, and seemed intent on watching more. She wanted to know if Amy's mom came back. Tonight was of the good.
Except for that whole interval where we watched Match Point (tonight was veg night). I've never seen a Woody Allen movie. Are they all that bad? Also, intermidable? Completely butchered Dostoevsky, too.
So did everyone but me notice Buffy's dress in Xander's dream in "Teacher's Pet" looks a lot like the red dress Buffy mates with Xander in in "When She Was Bad"? It's like Xander's dream dress. He's never see such a fine chest. He means dress. Because apparently, Buffy's boobs went the way of Flutie. I mean, not that they got eaten--never mind.
Ever try to feed a duck chicken? Come on, you know you want to.
Hahahaha so
imnotacommittee pointed out today was Star Wars day. You know, May the Fourth be with . . . hahahahaha. Still laughing.
That AoQ guy didn't like "Hush." There's no hope for this guy. His life must be drab and small. And smell vaguely of cat litter.
Hey, did you ever wish there was a way to just bleep out people's icons?
I find "The Wish" harder and harder to watch every time. Which is weird because usually I get over anything once I see/hear/feel it enough. It's seeing Buffy like that. It's seeing Buffy like that contrasted with S3 Buffy, all bright and sunshiney and good like a big hug, and then thinking about later seasons Buffy . . . and seeing so much less o' the contrast.