I also posted The Eighth Tale on AO3
People say I suck at summaries, so I probably didn't adequately explain that fic. It deals with timey-wimey and time paradoxes, possible futures that might also be possible fanfics, Harry/Draco sex, and then a sad ending. The fic was actually the summary of a fic that I'm not actually going to write, so I think it does have some problems, but I'm quite happy with it as a fic in its own right.
I'm going through and trying to make sure I put all my fics in the places they should go (which sometimes takes forever!) Sometimes I can't tell whether a fic I write lacks visibility, which means I should try harder to put it somewhere, or whether it lacks appeal, which means I definitely should stop trying. What do you do in a situation like that? I feel like the window where people might read your fic is usually gone in about 3 days, unless it gets linked elsewhere, and what if in that time, not many people read it? Did that mean it was no good, you just posted at the wrong time, a catastrophe was happening, your header sucked, people just don't know your name, or what?
It's an interesting fandom phenomenon that sometimes I care way too much about, I admit. However, I can't even count the number of times (especially in HP fandom!) I've seen people say things like, "I thought I knew all the good writers out there!" . . . which is a sad thing for new and old writers to hear, and "If you haven't read this fic, you're not really in this fandom!", when it's a fic I've never heard of . . . which, I guess, you know, means I'm not in that fandom! I don't think it's meant to be for serious, but it's still a weird and somewhat confusing thing to hear.
This entry was originally posted to Dreamwidth.
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