letteredTitle: Hope Has Wings (But Faith Has A Broadsword)
Pairing(s): Gen-ish. Faith, Buffy, Xander, and Dawn, with mentions of Dana, Angel and Spike (including B/A, B/S). Hints of femmeslash without much squinting required
Summary: Wing!fic. Faith gets wings. Buffy doesn't believe in angels. Xander and Dawn make a bunch of really geeky
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Hee. I love X-men, but actually don't really know that much comics canon. Mostly I watched the cartoon and the movies, so I don't really know much about Psylocke. I was afraid that the references would become too dense for people not familiar with X-men at all--and then there's all the Twilight/Coleridge/Neruda/It's A Wonderful Life/etc! So I'm really glad you enjoyed the references :o)
As for the Orpheus, I stole it from another story I started way back when. It was also about Dana. It was actually a Angel/Xander fic--less about getting them together in a romantic sense and more of a meta take that explores their parallels. But anyway, it's very dense and difficult to write, but I found it some time last year and was really depressed about the fact that I never finished it. I feel like it's quite good, so maybe I'll go back and give it a try. I'm glad the Orpheus element worked for you!
Willow, in my head, is either unable to accept the consequences of what she's done or else utterly crushed by them--for some reason I'm never able to think of her as accepting them and moving on . . . and Buffy always does.
Thank you so much for your feedback. I'm really glad you liked this :o)
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