Title: The Chuck Writes Story: Afterword 5
Fandom: Supernatural
Pairing: gen. Chuck, Becky
Rating: PG-13 for themes
Length: Total fic: 30,000. This part: 2,000
Summary: Castiel is the new BNF in town. Lettered is amused.
A/N: Please see notes
Previous parts: The Chuck Writes Story
part 1 and
part 2 |
Afterword |
Afterword 2 |
Afterword 3
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What the author intended or what other people get from it aren't nearly as important as what the text means to you.
I'm still deeply grateful to the people at the SPN wikia who painstakingly compile notes on all the intertextual and cultural references :P
They're about fandom, but their also about religion. And when you think about it . . . well, there are a lot of similarities between the two, in my humble opinion.
Oh my god! So so so true!! You know, I didn't join the dots until you said that, but I remember my mum telling me something similar a long time ago. I remember being fourteen and complaining to her about a friend of mine who was a born again Christian, who talked about nothing else. My mum said to me, what about you and your Japanese cartoons, don't you shove those down your friends throats because you want to share with them how great it is? Doesn't everyone want to be connected to something bigger than themselves? Isn't that why you're always on the internet? Don't judge her way of fulfilling the same need you have. It made me feel like a dick at the time. I don't know why I didn't think of that when SPN was making all those religion/fandom parallels.
I do remember the citrus code; they used it a lot on HP fics. But I really have no idea what it meant.
The way I understood it, a 'lemon' usually meant NC-17 sex, a 'lime' meant a sexual scene but perhaps fade-to-black or without penetration/orgasm, and 'citrusy' meant light sexual behaviour. But I have no idea why use sour fruit to rank it!
That's not true! I think that discussion is just as important to fandom as fanworks. Also, I think dean_lives might've been my favorite character to create, and you're a lot more articulate than she usually was.
Ahaha, well I'm a lazy student, not a busy lawyer with cats to play with, which might mean something! Speaking of dean_lives, I did really love the way you developed her. If this fic had a tv tropes page, her post would have been a Crowning Moment of Awesome right there, I was flailing and grinning so much.
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