Oh, hello new (to me) show

Mar 09, 2011 22:56

Before I even started watching this, I knew that I would love this man:

But some things did surprise me.

I was fairly certain I would like this girl:

I am not surprised at all that I love this ship:

What I did not know was how much I would love this girl:

I love her even more than this man:

Especially when she:

. . . kicks ass, which is always.

In the end, I'm not really that surprised I love her. I love a strong female who kicks ass. I also love one that is fucked up and repressed and smart and doesn't take bullshit. I am surprised that this is who this girl:

. . . gets to be on this show that is so very problematic in so many different ways. I'm also surprised that I feel I haven't gotten to see anyone quite like:

. . . anywhere else. So, in conclusion: not surprised I loved her, but I suppose am surprised by the fact that she exists. However. I am surprised by this:

And my response to it. In fact, I'm so surprised by it and my response to it, here it is again.

I appear to be surprised that there is like, drool in my mouth. Due to this:

It's all so strange. Considering the above, the fact that I want this this:

. . . does not really surprise me, although the fact that I want this:

. . . does surprise me, for reasons I don't understand. That said, the fact that I want this:

. . . doesn't surprise me at all, taking into account everything else.

Let me just check:

Yep, still surprised . . .

. . . and still drooling. And still in love with:

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