Am now on vacation in Houston, having come from climbing dunes in Michigan. Comp is still broken. I like to think that if I had better access all-around, I might have cool, thoughtful things to say. Instead I just have some babble.
If someone made me distill into three points the reason I love this show, they would be:
1) We got to see the turncoat character (Darth Vader, Snape, Malfoy [?], etc) make a pre-meditated decision based on what he believed in, rather than who he loves.
2) The Fire Lord did not die, even by falling off a cliff or reverse-Avada Kedavra, and Aang did not have to go live with the elves afterward.
3) Sokka. (Is, I'm sorry, a better Xander than Xander.)
NOWHERE IN THERE IS THERE ANY KATARA/ZUKO. NOWHERE!!! I mean, number 4) might be "treatment of female characters" and definitely WAY high up there you would see Zuko's emo man pain, and lordy lordy do I have it for gals who are set upon following their principles and become rather annoying because of it in that lovely, wild-haired Hermione Granger sort of way. But you STILL do not see any Katara/Zuko anywhere on the list! NOWHERE!!!
5) is probably "I loved so many supporting characters" and 6) is probably Zuko/Mai, if it's not superseded by 7) Sokka/Suki and 8) TY LEE IN GENERAL and 9) the fact that they're all just kids! And I felt like the show left things open about who these people could be, instead of locking them in step to what they were doing when they were teenagers, sad JK Rowling, sad!
And did I mention 2), Aang not going to live with the Elves, I like the Katara/Aang ending! I like that the main love interest didn't turn out to be his sister. That always happens and I'm tired of it! It's like if you fight really hard and lose a lot and choose love over detachment suddenly you have to end up all alone watching your father burn while HAN SOLO MAKES OUT WITH YOUR GIRL.
And I'm tired of brooding emo jaded types who've been SO BAD always having to get the spunky righteous-loving Jane Eyre Edward Rochester bullshit! So, no! Zuko/Katara? NOWHERE ON THE LIST.
...But for some reason the past week it's all I want. I love it sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo much. What's wrong with me?
It's like I'm 12. Also, I'm beginning to suspect the fic . . . is . . . not my sort of fic. Despite the fact that I appear to WANT 250K epic romances in the style of "The Ember Island Players". I do! What's wrong with me?
What I really want is gen! Gen with everyone and Iroh and Bumi and how is Zuko going to deal with Azula, and what about Toph's parents, and lots and lots and LOTS of stuff about Ty Lee and the Kyoshi warriors, and Ty Lee becoming friends with Appa, and Ty Lee and Appa going to the circus, and Ty Lee finding out what happened and starting an animal rights campaign, and Aang thinking that is so cool, and zoos, and the Epic Quest of Awesome where Katara, Sokka, Toph and Aang go out to find the Earth Kingdom king, just like old times, except they just might have Zuko and Mai with them, and them finding him and the king not wanting to be reinstated, and the new government of Ba Sing Se, and Zuko reading the part of Souzin's scroll where he WAS TOTALLY GAY FOR ROKU and that was a part of why it started, and dragon breeding, because Aang and Zuko are going to bring the dragons back, and Zuko saying, "We don't dance like that," very harshly at Aang and Aang making his wibble face and Zuko showing him how they do dance. There needs to be all that!
. . . But all I can really think about is Zuko/Katara and it's bad, bad bad.
This entry was originally posted to Dreamwidth.
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