
May 29, 2008 21:12

Thank you, thank you! It was quite a match, wasn't it? I'm not entirely sure the adrenaline's worn off yet -- or perhaps that's just the after-effects of the party that followed in the Gryffindor Common Room. Either way, I'm immensely proud of how we played. I don't blame Hufflepuff for practicing every day if that's the best they can do, even on so much practice. Unless Slytherin completely loses their heads I don't think there's any way they can lose to Hufflepuff next week.

Weatherby says you're quite welcome, and that Greenville had it coming. Apparently he heard the offending "blood" comment. I suppose as Captain I ought to go visit Greenville -- you know, sportsmanlike conduct -- but I can't bring myself to be particularly sympathetic to his plight.

I noticed Concodia -- sort of hard not to, she stuck out like a sore thumb. What's she playing at? Does she want to get lynched? I, er, appreciate her support, but really, that's not very indicative of the trademark Hufflepuff loyalty, now, is it? And no one likes a fair-weather fan -- Oh Merlin. Was that supposed to impress me?

Oh, I do hope Ravenclaw puts up a better fight than Hufflepuff -- Slytherin's been weaker this year and it would be a shame to win the Cup without any competition at all -- but I think you're the one who oughtn't be getting her hopes up, my dear. You saw how we flew on Saturday.

Polyjuice Potion has nothing on being an Animagus. It's not really like you get to "be" someone else -- you just take on their physical appearance. You don't become them, not in spirit or mind or any way that really matters, and Polyjuice Potions are rarely used for honest purposes. It's not even Transfiguration! Most anyone who passed their Potions OWL could make a Polyjuice Potion, but to be an Animagus, that's a real accomplishment, it's rare and it takes years of hard work. Besides, I imagine it teaches you a little about yourself, and that might be more relevant information than what it feels like, physically, to be someone else.

And no, I imagine my children would be far too terrified to take a ride on a Thestral -- I certainly don't intend for them to be able to see one, after all. (I do hear they're good for long journeys, though -- how strange would it be to ride an invisible creature for a long journey?) Either way, I think your argument is a little weak: there's no reason being an Animagus would interfere with my parenting abilities, and there's also no reason raising a kid shouldn't be fun at least some of the time. Surely that's why people do it? No-one would condemn themselves to seventeen-plus years of no fun, I'm sure.

Really? Hm. That would be neat. I stand by what I said - being a Thestral would be amazing. Flight and invisibility. That's hard to match.

Different views, ah? I can accept that. She's only twelve, though, what can she be so dead-set on? For that matter, how old was Pollux when she was born, then? She's not that many years behind us - is he considerably older than you? And on another note, do you like having such a large family? Over the last few generations the Potters have become, well, quite few, and sometimes I wonder what it'd be like to have brothers and sisters and nieces and nephews and all of that. At times it must be annoying, but overall it must be a nice sense of community, right?

And thank you. You are, I think, the first person to find it charming -- most people prefer adjectives more akin to "annoying", "rude" and "ignorant". I'll have to tell my mother.

Minerva's very good, yes, she's definitely a keeper. Ha. All right, that was lame. Though in my defense, puns were once considered the highest form of humour.


PS - You happen to look quite good in red and gold.

charlus' letters

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