Last night I did end up going to the jig in Brooklyn. Turns out it wasn't just global warming pictures. The global warming pictures were cool though, especially the before and after ones where it shows how much glaciers have melted over the past 50 years.
Anyway, apparently it was a big art event and global warming pics were in one room. The other rooms had art as well. They were giving away free wine and treats in most rooms so I had to take advantage of that. It was nice. There was one artist I really liked. His name is Ron Diorio ( He has these photos that he makes look like blurry paintings. I should have taken some of the smaller samples he had sitting out on the table but I had nowhere to put them.
After that event I felt like going out. I was feeling free from the restraints of the UWS and I wanted to do something to keep my freedom just a little while longer. I remembered one of my classmates sent us an e-mail about a houseparty at her apartment off of 110th and Adam C. Powell. I went to that and we had a good time. When I got there folk were sitting around in a circle and I cracked a joke about them playing spin the bottle. No one laughed and that made me think this group is lame...or my joke wasn't funny but I really thought it was. Once we started playing a few card games and getting more comfortable with each other people opened up. It was good to start getting to know my classmates. They remind me of my former co-workers only better cause they have more diverse backgrounds. I wish the international students would have come. They're so great. I especially like Nelun from Sri Lanka. She's just so nice and sweet. Oh well...maybe next time.
After that party I think I definitely want to have a house party with my roommate in November. She's been talking about having it so that her co-workers can come and I'll invite my classmates and maybe Virgil will be in town too. Plus, all ya'll that live in and around NYC can come too. Apparently parties are 'not allowed' in our apt building but I think we can get past that rule. We just can't allow people get too drunk or loud. That won't be hard to do. Plus, all them damn people who blast their salsa music every single muthafriggin weekend all day and night can handle a little bit of our house party noises. I think I'm going to try to get my entertainment system from Virgil so that we can have some decent sounds raisin the roof...
Hmmm...I'm looking at and that looks very appealing. Might try to holla at that to create a website or something. Looks pretty similar to friendster though. So many different ones. I'm sooo addicted to the net. Sad. Aight, I should finish reading and write papers and stuff like that.