Mar 03, 2009 07:07
last observation today. I'm scared to go back, because I'm scared that I will actually like 5th grade [which is what i am observing today], and I will once again have NO idea what grade I want to do. And it wouldn't really be that big of a deal if I was deciding between middle or high school or what elementary grade, but its between high school and elementary- and there are two different sets of classes for each major. Plus i will need to take calc 2 for high school which i wouldn't need to take for elementary, so if i go ahead and take it and then change my mind I will have wasted a class and 4 credits... UGH.
on a happier note, spring break in 2 weeks.
I have to go do 'eye openers" for my ethics class on poverty [fondly referred to as my dumb poverty class]. And, really I don't have time for that. I know it sounds bad and everything, but I'm taking 16 credits, working 20+ hours a week, plus I already have to do these dumb observations. But I am thinking about visiting an orphanage near USF for them. I don't know.