We are at the computer lab because the internerd is not coming until Monday.
Tommorow Danny is coming to live with us for the weekend and then move in to his apartment at Mason. NC people coming Friday, still? I hope! But now maybe they aren't? Heartache! Call me plz. Bah! Different Kind of Dudefest is Fri-Sun.
If NC doesn't come up here, I mightmight go to RVA for Best Friends Day and go see Snack Truck and Ultra Dee's, & Mike/Freddy/Casey/etc. Weee'll see? But maybe probably just stay here. Yeah. That is I think what I'll do. And maybe go to Raleigh on Saturday for partyparty?
So. Work is funny and so far and I like it. The other people in my training thing are cool, plus Clint/Sergio work there, and my actual trainers are awesome. The programs on all the computers is annoying and not logical at all, but I am learning them!
I'm all moved in, finally organized. Finally! My room looks beast. I like to play Boggle by myself. And also with Kyle but he justjust got home yesterday.
School is starting on Monday. Gross, man. Summer is OVER.
If you would like to send me a letter, or help in the arting up of our bare off white crappy painted walls (I will return the favor and not let the post office eat yr stuff)..
Here is our address!
3331 Willow Crescent Drive
Apt. 33
Fairfax, VA 22030
Oh yeah!
Kyle made a dorky and awesome LJ for our humble abode.
Add it to your list of friends plz.