Jul 05, 2004 18:38
Hellooo friends. I'm sitting at my sister's watching PBS Kid's with babiez. Without the internet at my house I really stopped liking it and started appreciating everything else more. It sucks out your soul and everyone spends too much god damn time on it. Like I am doing now. Except it's only been about a minute so far.
Onto an update..
My 4th of July was pretty much a bust. I can't remember a less eventful one. I did fam stuff for a few hours and then went to Lynchburg for fireworks at LU. Listening to fucking Jerry Fallwell for a half hour I was ready to explode. Bright idea we had, going to LU.. sike. I should have gone to Richmond. Or people should have stayed in town. But I did have a good time with Patrick, as I always do. Infact, in a hot minute I'm driving to his house so he can cut my fucking raggy ass busted hair.
Karl's lady friend Stacey was here for a visit from NJ week or something ago. Like I already knew from visits to Mason all year, she is totally sweet. So is Karl. And the rest of his family. Because they are a real family who genuinely likes to spend time with eachother and actually does it.
I'm getting really fucking nervous about moving to Fairfax.. because we don't have an appartment yet. Classes start in a month. We have so much shit to do. Like maybe find another roomate? AHHHH. I can't wait until all of this is over and I am there. I'm going to miss here a shit ton.. but I am definitely looking forward to a new place with some different faces and everything else that is going to come along with being there.
Out of total boredom today I reread Catcher In The Rye. Earlier this week I read (& dug) The Fuck Up. What should be next? Suggestions?
Danny is on the way back from New York right now! He's been gone less than a week and it has sucked. I'm excited for him to come back. The few day's he's been gone I've been bro-ing with Patty & Kyle watching movies and stuff. Also, George, Dan, & Kyle are on the way home from their trips too! Hopefully we'll all reunite at some point tonight.
I miss Michael and Freddy being here for easy acces hanging. This 2 1/2 hour commute to bro sucks, but I don't mind it too much. Plus, I really like their friends in Richmond.
I talked to Mike Wallace on the phone for about 10 minutes last night confirming a show and whatever. He really is a stand up fucking guy. I am absolutely stoked to see he and Andrea soon. She is a stand up fucking girl. By the way, did she get her package?
July 9th there is a show @ Kyle's house. Come and have fun with us!
Yr Friends
Hi Ho, Six Shooter!
There's more to write but I don't totally feel like it. If you want to hear about it, I have a cell phone. Call me and catch up. Some of us need to. I hope everyone is doing as well as can be and since everyone is travelling I hope they are safe.