1. name: Gina Louise Pearson
2. nicknames:Gee Gee -or- GiNA bO BiNA
3. sex: of course =D
4. birthday: July 21
5. age: 13
6. star sign:Cancer
7. place of birth:a hospital dip shit.
8. current residence:L-tOwN
9. hair color: Brunette
10. eye color: Brown
11. height: 5'2ishh
13. writing hand: Righty
14. do you bite your nails: =X yess
15. can you roll your tongue: yaah
16. can you raise one eyebrown at a time: haha kinda
17. can you blow smoke rings: ew, smokin` is nastyyy
18. can you blow spit bubbles: Lol no
19. can you cross your eyes: pstt yeh
20. can you flip your eyelids out: ehh NO
21. tattoos and where: none yet but i want a heart on my lower hip
22. piercings: 2 in each ear
23. do you make your bed daily:pfft my bed is NEVER made
24. what goes on first, bra or underwear: my panties
25. which shoe goes on first: whichever..?
36. speaking of shoes, have you thrown one at someone:plenty of times =]
37. how much money is usually in your wallet:i dont have a walet but in my purse its usually like 10 or 20 $$ but its not there for too long
38. what jewelry do you wear 24/7: a hair tie around my wrist && earrings
39. sexiest on a guy: idkk
40. what's sexiest on a gurl:im not into girls .
41. would you rather be on time and look ok or late and look great?:be late & look great
42. do you twirl your spagetti or cut it: both
43. how many cereals are in your cabinet:who knows?
44. what utensils do you use eating pizza:my hands
45. do you cook: yaaah bitch . im a damn good cook too =]
46. how often do you brush your teeth: when i wake up & before i go to sleep & right before i go out, whenever that twice a day or more
47. how often do you shower/bathe: twice a day
48. how long do these showers last: like 30 or 40 minutes
49. hair drying method: i never knew you could have a hair dying method, i use a blowdryer.
50. do you paint your nails: soemtimess
51. do you swear:oh yeh
52. do you spit or swallow: ha comment
53. do you spit in public: ew im not a guy
54. do you pee in the shower: Lol no
55. the cd player: a bunch of mixed tapes
56. person you talk most on the phone with: sarah or becky
57. what color is your bedroom: white
58. do you use an alarm clock:yepp
59. name one thing youre obsessed with: guys
60. have you ever skinny dipped with the opposite sex?: nopee
61. ever sunbathed in the nude: in the tanning booth
62. window seat or aisle: window seat =]
63. what's your sleeping position: i dont know what my sleeping position is but i wake up with my head burried in my arm lying on my stomach with my other wrist on my belly button, if that makes sense?
64. what kind of bed do you like: my double bed, two or three works for me.
65. in hot weather do you use a blanket: yeh, i get soo cold at night
66. do you snore:i dont know im sleeping dumbfuckk
67. do you sleepwalk: no
68. do you talk in your sleep:LMFAO yes haha wow yeh i do.
69. do you sleep with a stuffed animal: yepp i cant sleep without my teddy =]
70. how about the light on:nope =D
71. do you fall asleep with the TV or radio on: radio/CD/DLed music from my pooter
72. had sex: im a virgin
73. kissed`s been way too long
74. watched bambi: when i was like 7
75. cried:a few nights ago
76. talked on the phone: a little bit ago
77. read a book:..last night
78. punched someone:pft i dont like violence
79. where do you see yourself in 10 years: outta collage && married with 2 kids<3
80. who are you gonna be married to and where: i really dont know, hopefully someone i love, and i wanna get married in a church
81. how many kids do you want to have: mm 2
82. your profession: no clue, seriously considering being a lawyer
83. future school:hmmm Notre Dame or UCLA
1. kissed your cousin?: like a baby cousin
2. ran away?: nopee
3. pictured your crush naked?: haha
4. actually seen your crush naked?: no
5. broken someone's heart?: i hope not
6. been in love?: wish i could say i have
7. cried when someone died?: yep like a mother
8. wanted someone you knew you couldn't have? yepp
9. broken a bone?: yepp
10. drank alcohol?: yes i have
11. lied?: yep
12. cried in school?: mmhmmm yeh...boys suck
13. coke or pepsi?:pepsi
14. sprite or 7UP?: sprite
15. girls or guys?: i love my guys, its a close race, but my girls are by far the best
16. flowers or candy?: candy
17. scruffy or clean shaven?: clean shaven .. nobody likes a stash
18. quiet or loud?: Loud, but not so much that you get a headach =]
19. blondes or brunettes?: Brunette cause someone has to be smart
20. nice or players?: i dont really know...nice, but idk
21. tall or short?: taller than me
22. pants or shorts?: pants over shorts, but both are fine
23. what do you notice first?: Eyes & hair & what they are wearin`
24. last person you slow danced with?: Andrew at activity night lol
25. worst question to ask?:uhmm, a question that bugs me is. "are you okay" and the person asking the question already knows the answer
26. last person you showered with?: mmmm idk like my cousin?
27. had a great time with the opposite sex?: yesterday or last weekend.
28. your good luck charm?: i dont have one, cause i dont have good luck. only bad luck.
29. the person you hate the most?:...not sayin`
30. the best thing that happened to you today?:absolutly nothing, oh wait pay pay`s mamma bought everyone Krispy Kreams =D
61. been in love?: no
62. been in lust?: im in it.
63. used someone?:kinda
64. been used?:probly
65. been cheated on?:no not that i know of
66. been kissed?: yes
67. done something you regret?: i dont regret anything cause everything i ever did at one point made me happy.
68. what is it?:^^
40. makes you laugh the most?:my lovely ladies
41. makes you smile?: a guy, funny thing is i dont even think he know he does it*
42. gives you a funny feeling when you see them?:^^same guy
43. has a crush on you?:no one =`[
44. do you have a crush on?: the same guy that was in the first two questions
45. can make you feel better no matter what?:Shelby Raye Kucharski
46. is easier to talk to, guys or girls?:Guys, cause i dont really trust many girls. they can be bitches
[x] written something on your body
[x] made a wish
[x] tied your shoes
[x] eaten cake
[ ] signed a contract
[ ] made something explode
[ ] sent something through the US mail
[x] been very angry
[ ] gone a day without eating
[x] watched more than three different television shows
[x] prayed
[x] had a conversation that you considered very personally meaningful
[x] been intoxicated by any substance
[ ] thrown up
[x] gotten paid
[x] gone a night without sleeping
[x] broken something you like by accident
[x] envied someone
[x] finished an artistic project
[x] hated
[x] made very loud noise
[x] made noise that was too loud
[x] given a thumbs up
[x] slept in a bed that is not, or has never been, your own
[ ] been drunk
[ ] smoked pot
[x] kissed a member of the opposite sex
[ ] rode in a taxi
[ ] been dumped
[ ] been fired
[ ] been in a fist fight
[ ] had a threesome
[x] snuck out of your parent's house
[ ] been arrested
[ ] made out with a stranger
[ ] stole something from your job
[ ] went on a blind date
[x] lied to a friend
[ ] had a crush on teacher
[ ] been to europe
[x] skipped school
[ ] have a bf
[ ] have a gf
[x] have a crush
[ ] feel loved
[x] feel lonely
[ ] feel happy
[ ] hate yourself
[x] have a dog
[x] have your own room
[x] listen to rap
[x] listen to rock
[ ] listen to soul
[ ] listen to techno
[ ] listen to reggae
[x] paint your nails
[x] have more than one best friend
[x] get good grades
[ ] play an instrument
[x] have slippers
[x] wear boxers - the Girl kind
[x] wear black eyeliner
[x] like the color blue
[x] like the color yellow
[ ] cyber
[ ] claim?
[x] like to read
[x] like to write
[x] have long hair
[ ] have short hair
[x] have a cell phone
[x] have a laptop
[ ] have a pager
[x] have a sidekick-lmfao yes i do!!!
[x] bored
[ ] happy
[x] white
[ ] black
[ ] asian
[ ] Russian
[x] Italian
[x] Irish
[ ] Egyptian
[ ] short
[x] undecided on your height
[ ] tall
[ ] grounded
[x] sick--kinda
[x] lazy- when im tired
[x] single
[ ] taken
[x] looking-kinda, its on & off somedays it`d be nice, others i just wanna be single.
[ ] not looking (yet...)
[x] talking to someone
[x] IMing someone
[x] scared to die
[x] tired
[x] sleepy
[x] annoyed
[ ] hungry
[x] thirsty
[x] on the phone
[x] in your room
[ ] drinking something
[x] eating something
[x] ticklish
[x] listening to music
[ ] homophobic
[ ] racist
[ ] sexist
47. sit by the phone waiting for a call all night?:yes im waiting for sarah to call..
48. save AOL conversations?:yeh a few
50. wish you were someone else?:yeh sometimes
51. wish you were a member of the oppostie sex?: lol for like a day
52. cry because of someone's mean words?:yeh
54. perfume?: hollister august .. escada rockin rio
56. romantic memory?:... idk
57. most recent advice given to you?:mm talk to him about it.
58. fallen for your best friend?:yes, ended with fucken hell
keep a diary?:your reading my journal...
have a secret you have not shared with anyone?:yes
fold your underwear?: not my underwear
set your watch a few minutes ahead?:noo
bite your fingernails?:yeh
believe in love?:wish i could say i have...
movie you rented?:mr. & mrs. smith
movie you bought?: idk
movie you watched?:in theaters...just friends
song you listened to?: its hard to say -the used
song that was stuck in your head?:the acadamy is-slow down
song you've downloaded?:^^
CD you bought:i dont buy them anymore i mak emy own
CD you listened to?:my Mixed tape
person you've called?:Shelby
person that's called you?:Sarah
TV show you've watched?:mmm idk
person you were thinking of?:
my gawd...
DO you wish you could live somewhere else?: yes like cali!!!!
you want more piercings?: my bellybutton . nd one or two more on my ears
you want more tattoos?: dont have any
you drank?: waterr
you do drugs?: ew no
you smoke?: ewwww no
you like cleaning?:no, but i will if its nessicary
you like roller coasters?: you cant be a part of my familee and not completly lovee them!
you write in cursive or print?: its a mix of both i have cute handwriting
ever cried over a boy?:yeah
ever lied to someone?: yah
ever been in a fist fight?: yeh
ever been arrested?: nope i dont get caught
shampoo do you use?: Finesse...?
perfume/cologne do you use?: escada rockin rio--brittney spears-curious && fanticy
shoes do you wear?:slides
are you scared of?: spiders, heartbreak and shots and needles
of times I have been in love?: zero =[
of times I have had my heart broken?: mmm once, it was a good one too, it hurt.
hearts I have broken?: i hope none!!
of guys I have kissed?: too many for numbers Lol
of people I consider my enemies?:one
of CDs' that I own?: a lot
of times my name has appeared in the newspaper?:mm like 10-15?
of things in my past that I regret?:i dont regret anything cause at one point it made me happy.