
Aug 21, 2010 00:44

- looking forward to seeing Suna again, un?

[he stops mid-stride - something is not right - and he reaches for his clay and finds it-]

Oi, Sasori-no-danna, where the hell are you?

[-gone. genjutsu?]


[but nothing breaks (where is his scope, it was on when they left for Suna) and he shifts - uneasily, though he will never admit it out loud - and his ( Read more... )

kimishima naomi, trucy wright, deidara, arisawa tatsuki, *day post, zoey

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/muse spam :D :D :D dead_conduit August 21 2010, 12:07:59 UTC
[She's investigating the gate wordplay ahahaha for any sign of a clue pertaining to this mess. She has yet to find anything and is slowly feeling her patience fail her.]

Oh, a distraction. Hey there! Did you just arrive?


why hi [again] there~ :) ao_bakuhatsu August 21 2010, 17:52:50 UTC
[he's scowling ever-so faintly; he's not a distraction damnit, that's Tobi's job or something.]

yeah, out taking a walk and ended up here, un.

[he's suspicious with a healthy dose of paranoia, but-]

you been here long?

[-he gets the feeling he'll need some help figuring this shit out.]]


:D:D dead_conduit August 21 2010, 18:38:09 UTC
[Distracting her from investigating is a good thing.]

Just like that?

[She doesn't believe that.]

No, not much longer than you, if you just arrived.


-sparkle- ao_bakuhatsu August 21 2010, 18:49:27 UTC
[he's not going to tell her that he still thinks this is some fucked-up genjutsu worse that the damn Sharingan.]

yeah. just like that, un. how'd you get here?


I like shiny. :D dead_conduit August 21 2010, 19:08:47 UTC
[She wouldn't know what he was talking about anyway. :D]

Woke up near the gate, same as you I assume. No one knows what happened before that.


-sparklesparkle ♥- ao_bakuhatsu August 21 2010, 19:17:24 UTC
... sounds like some weird fucked-up trap, un.

[can he trust anything these people say? he knows at least a dozen ways to kill her but-]

anything interesting in that city?

[-he underestimated Itachi once; the thought sends anger boiling through his veins.]


O.O :D dead_conduit August 21 2010, 19:30:27 UTC
That pretty much sums it up.

[Yes, yes he can.]

A lack of food and shelter. That's about it.


[totally not luring you in at all] -sparkle- ao_bakuhatsu August 21 2010, 19:39:33 UTC
how nice.

[the city's beat-up enough that he can understand it, but-]

yeah? so, anyone figure out why it's so beat-up yet?

[-he's seen places in better shape after the war; there's something else he's missing-]

place looks like it went through a war, un.

[-and he doesn't like it.]


*obviously hypnotized* dead_conduit August 21 2010, 19:45:23 UTC
I don't know about the others as I haven't met most, but I can't come up with a plausible reason.

Yes, but there are no signs that warfare actually occurred here. At least, my investigation hasn't led me to believe otherwise.


-spar - no wait, POUNCE- ao_bakuhatsu August 21 2010, 20:42:59 UTC

[he has never been one for investigations; reminds him of the stories from the war.]

you a police officer or something?

[a frown; if only he had his scope, it would be clear, but-]

... those look like claw marks over there, un.

[-practicality will suffice.]


:O dead_conduit August 21 2010, 21:31:55 UTC
Ah, yes, of sorts. I deal with crime scenes mostly, homicides really. They call me the Corpse Whisperer.

[She turns and looks.]

Yes, but they seem like something a wild animal might make. If I could send in a picture to Little Guy he could tell us more.


-sparkle | nom- ao_bakuhatsu August 21 2010, 21:41:09 UTC
[corpse whisperer, huh? he wonders-]

see any interesting stuff?

[-what she would make of his art. Sasori-no-danna's art.]

little guy, un?

[he'll keep quiet for now, what he thinks.]

if it's a wild animal ... why hasn't it attacked anyone, un?

[there is something very wrong close by.]

's not like we're armed.


*was obviously eaten and now very dead* dead_conduit August 21 2010, 21:50:21 UTC
More than I care to remember...

As for the animal, I assume it's nocturnal.


-sparkles :) ao_bakuhatsu August 21 2010, 21:53:14 UTC
yeah? like what?

[he's seen just about every type of death by now-]

smart animal, un. easier to get close and kill then.

[-is there anything new?]


Evil evil monster. dead_conduit August 21 2010, 21:59:51 UTC
You name it, I've seen it. Death by flesh eating viruses, death on the operating table from viruses that overcome the entire body. Fried humans. Bombing victims... and that's just this past year.

Yeah and that's what worries me.


hush you liked it ao_bakuhatsu August 21 2010, 22:07:05 UTC
[his interest is piqued-]

... sounds fun, un.

[-his grin is tinged with madness.]

I know a guy, he sees people all cut up and shaved; done by a sword, y'know? pretty big thing; never makes a clean cut.

don't suppose we could just track it now? kill it before it kills us, yeah?


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