
Sep 12, 2010 20:03

[this place reeks of old blood, of old ancient secrets buried somewhere deep inside and never meant to be seen. those creatures - not quite monsters, for those are the ephemeral entities, the ones that will never die no matter what the method of execution is - are something important; living keys, perhaps? but there is no trace of them by day, they ( Read more... )

deidara, rock lee, *day post

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strongfists September 13 2010, 12:38:46 UTC
[Poor guy's just walking by, minding his own business, when he hears a loud noise]

[Jumping, and immediately getting into battle mode while glancing up at you. But he's too far away to see you properly]

Who are you? Please show yourself!


ao_bakuhatsu September 13 2010, 16:25:25 UTC
[another mouse - but this one is not just a mouse, is it? something in his mind categorizes this new toy as 'potential threat' and that alone puts him above the other mice. don't blink now-]

could be asking you the same thing, un.

[-you'll miss the beginning of the main act if you do.]

(smile [for the cameras] a crooked cruel little thing)

what's a mouse like you doing here, yeah?

[he thinks, vaguely, that another in the Akatsuki has encountered something similar before, another of the green things down below.]


strongfists September 14 2010, 14:39:37 UTC
[He's slowly inching himself closer while still keeping an eye on the potential enemy]

[... Looks familiar. Not quite yet placing the look with anything yet though.]

I am not a mouse! And I was brought here.


ao_bakuhatsu September 14 2010, 16:36:59 UTC
[such a loud toy; there is no art in it, this green thing-]

you sure about that?


awfully good at stating the obvious, hmm?

[-and now he remembers Kisame's story. Konoha. this little green mouse. he wonders, off-handedly, do they know to fear the red-on-black - red for blood, for fire, for art - yet? his cloak is an obvious thing in the sunlight.]


strongfists September 21 2010, 21:55:58 UTC
[(Un)fortunately, Lee has yet to encounter one of you, so the red-on-black doesn't strike anything]

Well, you asked...


late. SORRY. ORZ ao_bakuhatsu September 26 2010, 03:54:59 UTC
[the mouths on his hands chew, spit out minuscule particles of clay - one two three four scream little lambs, cower and bleed from the inside out and offer yourselves up for a higher purpose - into the air.]

I asked what you're doing here, un.

(a crooked little half-smile)

[a whisper; lips form the word and-]

not what you're doing in this town.

[-small explosions litter the surrounding explosions at random and only some are harmless.]


IT'S ALL GOOD <3 strongfists September 26 2010, 04:43:12 UTC

I was exploring the town. This is a spot I have yet to investigate.


Did I disturb you...?


... IF YOU SAY SO. ♥ ao_bakuhatsu September 26 2010, 04:52:15 UTC
's not much to see in this place.

[can you dig your way to the tower, green little mouse? cut out your own heart and open the way back?]

d'you think you did?


so where were you before you were brought here, hmm?


I DO SAY SO! AND I'M ALWAYS RIGHT~ strongfists September 27 2010, 01:15:25 UTC
[Not sure how to answer you on that one, so he's just going to awkwardly stare at you for some time]

Me? I am the wild green beast of Konoha! Rock Lee is my name.

[Flashing you a smile. Lets be friends, okay?]

And you...?


OKAY! are you now? :o ao_bakuhatsu September 27 2010, 17:41:52 UTC
[Konoha. the mouse is a shinobi, then, from Konoha. he wonders, vaguely, who selects the inhabitants of this city - this is the boy who was half-crushed once upon a time, he thinks, by the same sand that sits in the Kazekage's office now - but that is unimportant.]


[how strong is this mouse? there is precious little deserving of his art in this place-]

... lemme guess, you're a taijutsu specialist.

[-it is always a bang, but it is always best with a live target.]


ALWAYS!!! \o/ (1/2) strongfists September 28 2010, 04:15:37 UTC
[Wha--... he knows what...]


(2/2) strongfists September 28 2010, 04:16:08 UTC

YES! I am! You are a ninja, then?


:o! THAT IS VERY SPECIAL ao_bakuhatsu September 28 2010, 08:04:18 UTC
[such misplaced enthusiasm; a mouse with no sense of self-preservation, perhaps. that he is born of the same basic mold - shinobi, killer-]

something like that.

[-is nothing to be excited about.]

'm an artist, un.

[hey, little mouse, won't you entertain us? be the distraction that precludes the grand finale?]


strongfists September 28 2010, 23:50:58 UTC
An artist...?

What village are you from~?


ao_bakuhatsu September 29 2010, 00:14:02 UTC
[caution, caution; soft does not imply a lack of danger and this mouse is still an enemy, however small.]

's what I said, isn't it?

(a crooked little smirk)

's nowhere near Konoha, if that's what you're wondering.

doubt you'll ever go there, un,


strongfists September 29 2010, 03:01:00 UTC
[Small frown]

I have been to many places! I am quite well-traveled. It is part of being a ninja.


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