long time no update - i find myself saying that everytime i write in this thing. not much has been happening though, but thats only because i spend most my time taking naps with my teddy bear, Mr. Teddy.
but moving on, my band finally put our first song, "Bottlecaps and Broken Angels", up on garageband.com so you can go and download that shitt if you so desire. just click the link below, and it will take you to our main page. you can download the song but clicking the "SONGS" tab.
http://www.garageband.com/artist/afatalromance yeah, im unemployed now. so that makes me happy, that i dont have to travel down to that shitt-faced hell hole Culver's anymore. relieved - yes : )
lately me and alex have been hanging out a lot, but only because we're young lovers with hormones raging. well that and because she has to seriously be the most amazing girl i have ever met in my life. i've never been able to express myself to a girl i'm dating or going out with, like the way i can with alex. we are so made for one another, i swear : ) she's just special, thats all - the most specialist person in the world in my book. i only hope we stay together for a long time, because she makes me the most happiest person ever.
i started reading "american pyscho", and i suggest everyone to do the same. well, read it or go rent the video - a true masterpiece, let me tell you. this movie reminded me that metero-sexuals are cool, and thats why im proud to say that everynite before i fall asleep, i apply an mint-herbal face mask which i leave on for 10 minutes. my skin is now soft, yay!
alrite, im off to shower and watch a movie. i picked up anti-flag's dvd, "death of a nation" tonite, so i have plenty to do. by the way, i finally discovered as to why they call Root Beer, "Root" Beer. i feel proud for once. now i have to pee - goodnite <3
p.s. alex is hott <33