Nov 28, 2005 16:10
I've been so stressed lately. ahhhh.
But I'm starting to relax bit by bit... It'll all be ok. :/
For Christmas I want...
An A in anatomy. hah... grrrrr i was 1 % off from getting an A last time. and now If i get a 100% on my next test I'll get an A but other than that... nope. stuck with a B. Stupid 93% A...
(I realize I sound like a huge nerd but I just really want an A in that class):)
Yesterday was the worst day I've had in a long time. Just really stressful and I dono... Forgot about the staff meeting for work. oops. I was a little late. I don't think they cared too much :/
It is so gross out today! The rain hasn't stoped and it is dark as can be out there! no me gusta. Hugh was at the stop sign when Annie and I walked out of school so he gave us a ride to my car...pretty much made my day that I didn't have to walk all the way down 4th street in that crap. :)
hahah... ok so there is this article. and I know this shouldn't be funny. but I mean what are the odds. so this girl who is allergic to peanuts. Kisses her boyfriend who just ate something with peanuts... and DIED! how bad would you feel if you were her boyfriend. man...
Well, off to get ready for work! I'll be there till 9 :/