○ 62;

Jan 20, 2009 10:28

... It was quiet. In Romania.

I don't remember where I'm really from. Who I really am. But I woke up there, and so that's my home.

Laura and her family took me in... Laura was so kind. Her, her mother, and the two children... It's safe for me to be around children now. I like them- children.

Just quiet days... preparing dinner, cleaning, bringing in the animals... sewing, playing with the children and helping her mother... I laughed, I think. And I smiled. That village was my home... it was a beautiful place, too. Fields, and small houses... not much of the more modern things in that part of the country, but I didn't mind.

But I had to leave eventually, it was too dangerous for me to stay there. After all Laura did for me, I couldn't put her family in danger.

So I went in to the town... it's not as nice there, I don't think. Too crowded, too close, too dank- But if you like the city, you'd have liked it, I imagine. I didn't go to the better parts of town much- too dangerous. I stayed in the bordello. It was better, to just... live like that. I could only tell you about that part of that city-

And the village. I think the countryside... that's where it is most beautiful.

I guess that's not the best description... but I didn't get out much.
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