
Jan 01, 2020 16:41

Name: Kosmos Obey Strategical Multiple Operation Systems, KP-X, KOS-MOS.
Age: 3/Appears 18
Height: 167cm, give or take her high heels.
Weight: 92kg
Medical Info: Is a robot
Eyes: Red
Hair: Blue
Physical traits: Slim, DD+ cupped, very. Um. Life like textured. Has armour.
What's Okay To Mention Around Him/Her: Everything but threats to Shion.
Abilities: Super-human strength and speed, durability, able to transform and summon weaponry, very smart in a computery way. She also has [spoilers] the soul/will of the archetype of unity, a higher dimensional god-like being, and can channel the raw force of the God of Xenosaga universe.
Notes for the Psychics: KOS-MOS's mind is locked. You'll only get a mindscape like this if you try to get into her. You pretty much need to be literally God to read her.
Can I shapeshift/bodyswap/spit at/step on/etc?: KOS-MOS will defend herself against aggression
Maim/Murder/Death: ^
Cooking: If it has instructions.


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