Apr 03, 2008 19:41
I'm one of those people that has a rare talent for finding inspiration in some stupid shit. I know that it sounds funny/strange but it's true. For example, I found myself feeling particularly down in the dumps for the last few days. (Don't ask me why, I just have.) So I was watching Planet Terror (talk shit, I don't care) and there's this part where Dakota and Cherry are stuck in one of these rooms on this military base. So they're in there and Cherry is going on and on about her useless talents and yadda yadda yadda and she says something that's particularly sad/morose. Anyway, Dakota gives her this speech and at the end she tells her to "Reach up". When Cherry replies with "What if there's nothing up there?" and sort of rolls her eyes Dakota says "Just reach up." For some reason that really got to me this last time that I've watched it. So even though I feel like I'm caught in this spiral I'm going to reach up and grab onto something that I can use to pull myself out.