Aug 26, 2005 15:36
aahh school is soO gay & boring omgosh!! Im getting my hair cut this weekend, I think im goin up north this weekend or next weekend?? hmm i cant remember, my classes are gay soO is half the ppl that are in them, I have B lunch & its jam packed dude the hallway by the lunch room is soOo packed too i was all like ahh then sum big black girl came up & pushed me & was like get out of my way & then like i pushed her back with out thinking bc u no a white girl & a black girl should just like not fight lol, but like she didnt even look back to see who pushed her soO like i guess i got lucky on that one & im all pissed bc ambre got this thingy that says TTFN ta ta for now & i was like bitch u got that TTFN thing from me bc who says that other than tigger?? CHRISTINE!! hello!!! i mean if i had never said that i bet u n e money she wouldnt have bought it then like i have to watch what i say on here about amanda conolly bc like she reads my lj soO i cant b callin her a dirty hoe not like i dont say that to her face hahahaha ahh i luv yah ttyl
Peace Luve BubbleGum