meme thingy!

Feb 27, 2012 20:08

 Meme stolen from... Everywhere? I have no idea who the original source is.

First TV show I had self-insertion fantasies about:
There was this weekly(?) magazine called W.I.T.C.H. about these girls who had magic powers. I was addicted. Although I didn't know it at the time, it was my first fanfiction. I LARP-d kiddie style with my friends, collected every single thing to do with it, visited the website daily and made potions n' shit.

First fandom in which I interacted (online and in person) with other fans:
Online, it was properly Harry Potter. I can't remember before that - I have a feeling there was something else. There was also the House of Night series in which I role-played, wrote awful fic and had long meaningful discussions. I guess that counts? But yeah, Harry Potter. Isn't it for most? I wasn't the biggest fan though, so I'll go with HoN. I still talk to people I met on the boards I frequented!

Pairing in the first slash fanfiction I read:
Oh man. I don't think I even realised it, but Harry/Draco. Or else it was when I fell into Glee with a bam and read everything to do with Kurt. It might've been Kurt/Finn, I presume then.

First RPS/RPF I read:
It was in Glee, I'm fairly sure. A Chris/Mark fic. Man I loved that pairing. Then I fell into bandom, and well. You know what happens then.

First fanfiction I read that made me think, 'YES, this is exactly the kind of fanfiction I'd like to write...':
I think it was by 

miggy but that seems too recent compared to how long I've been in fandom. But yeah, I think it was a prompt on the glee angst meme that spawned a 70,000 word epic of Kurt and Finn being kidnapped and turned into basically sex slaves. I didn't even ship Kurt/Finn but man. It was amazing.

Pairing in the first fanfiction I wrote:
I think it was femslash. Trust me, eh? Zoey/Stevie Ray, I thiiink, from HoN.

First OTP:
Kurt/Puck. Man, why did I start in Glee (properly).

First fannish friend I met in person:
I went to a few meetups and met people there, but I was following 

heathersabs before I met her IRL (now we're bffs!) and 

otherothergirl who I met last weekend and it was amazing.
First character I formally roleplayed:
I think it was in HoN, an awful OC who listened to Fall Out Boy and had emo bangs. Gawd. This entry was originally posted at Please comment there using OpenID.

meme, hiii flist!

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