I'm back with more podfic recs! I had so much fun making the last one, even though DW refused to post it.
Angsty-As-Hell podfics:
You know the ones I'm talking about. Put them on and have a cry.
Sea Change, by
sunsetmog and read by
knight_tracer . This was the first fic that came to mind when I thought angst. Bry reads this fic so well, she really gets across Spencer's despair.
If Music Be the Food of Love (I'll Have the Veggie Burger), by
sunsetmog and read by
pennyplainknits . Mog seems to be the master at angst, woah. I love this fic deeply. Penny gets Brendon's voice down so well, it's exactly what I imagine the shitty!apartment days to be like.
A Light To Burn All The Empires, by
arsenicjade and read by
nodense. . Mikey gets shot and Frank (and Pete) have to learn to deal with it. A beautifully read fic that builds ever so slowly into a complicated threesome.
High School AU podfics:
I really love high school AU's, and this fandom loves them too!
This Never Happened, by
bexless and read by
klb . 29,000 words of pure joyous not!fic. Klb reads this amazing and does a great job on all the bits where emoticons should be. It's something that always cheers me up! (Cross-dressing Gerard ftw!)
Somewhere to Begin, by
15dozentimes and read by
bohemeyourself . I've said before I love Rae's voice, and I'll say it again. It's adorable and she reads Spencer SO WELL <3
Vampires Will Never Hurt You (But I Make No Promises About Zombies) by
solarcat and read by
isweedan . Because who doesn't love the combo of illness = helping the sick one out = sexy times? (Granted, this is usually Frank who is sick, though.) Be sure to check out the sweet prologue to the verse too!
Crossovers are awesome, like the best of both worlds! (includes non-bandom band crossovers!)
This is What Happens (When You Use Tape to Hold Your Pants Together) by
addandsubtract and read by
falter . This is about the ~romance between Brian Molko and Gerard Way (which totally should've happened.) I can never say Brian Molko again without thinking of this podfic!
A Conversation About Magic, by
ignipes and read by
reena_jenkins . Harry Potter meets Gerard Way who wants a nice discussion about gender-wizarding/witching politics.
An Unfortunate Incident In Cardiff, by
airgiodslv and read by
waiting4rain42 . Some alien tries to eat William and he gets hit on by a creepy sexual investigator. Fucking Wales.
IGNORE ALL OF THIS OMFG. Dreamwidth what on earth are you doing? Nothing wants to format correctly, ugh.
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