dissuasion to actually do anything at all?

Jan 21, 2012 19:04

Oh, you guys. I am sorry. I haven't posted anything since a Doctor Who ficlet, and nothing long since I Have Been All Things Unholy.

Oh!- regarding Megaupload and the closure of it- IHBATU was hosted on it, and lord of almighty but do I not want to reupload that baby. It took a whole day. So unfortunately if you want to download it, it's not possible to get an MP3 file of it. However! There was a podbook posted of it, (thank you
cybel !) so you may download it thanks to her, here.

Anyway - back to the real subject matter - my lack of posting. It's not that I don't plan to... I just am procrastinating quite badly indeed. I have a good few things recorded, but editing? No thank you! I am also halfway through recording a nice long fic, but I can foresee that not being edited for a long time. As in, summer at the earliest being edited. 
  Another problem I'm having is authors not responding when I ask for permission. What is the etiquette in that situation? Sometimes LJ screws up, so I resend a message via LJ in case they missed it the first time, but when I don't get a response to that one, I wonder what to do. I've tried sending an email to first their fannish (I presume, as it was under the email on the fic-account) email, then to the one on their personal account. Still no reply, so I'm kinda left hanging. I've already recorded it - it's a wee ficlet that I just recorded for some "get back into the rhythm" work, but liked enough to post it. Oh, blanket permission. I do love you.


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