"How was your gaycation?"

Jan 23, 2007 14:18

I'm so re-addicted to The Office. I missed the last five episodes because of work and play rehearsals, but now that I took off on Thursdays and don't have any late-night extra-curricular activities, I wanted to catch up.

Oh. My. God.

01. I think the Jim/Pam/Karen love triangle is the best creative direction they've taken the show in yet. Don't get me wrong; I love Jim/Pam. I think that out of any fandom, they are the most unanimously supported ship. However, they've made Karen such a likable character. True, she's not OMGOTP with Jim, but she's funny, pretty, smart... Dwight pretty much summed it up.

When Pam was with Roy, it was clear who she should be with - Roy was kind of a lug, whereas Pam had this incredible potential. With Karen, though, it's so much less obvious. Like I said, Pam and Jim are meant for each other. But if it wasn't for Pam, you'd probably love Karen in her own right (except you might not love the show was much, since Jim/Pam is the heart of it.)

02. I fucking love Dwight and Angela. Angela has gotten better and better as a character, and Dwight... well, I think Jim summed it up best when he said "I miss Dwight. Congratulations, Universe. You win."

03. Andy, STFU. You're so amazingly good at making me hate you, every time you come onscreen I want to punch you in the face.

04. "Oscar, your gayness doesn't define you. Your Mexican-ness is what defines you."

05. The thirty seconds towards the end of the episode, where Jim can't even look at Karen as he admits he still has feelings for Pam... that's a killer. I felt myself feeling more sorrow for Karen than elation for Jim/Pam. On TV, as in life, someone always comes out these things a loser, even if it's someone who really doesn't deserve it.

I so can not wait for new Office eps in February! ♥

the office

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