Are you ready? Are you sttteeeeaaaadddyyy?

Jul 30, 2013 19:56

Of course you are. You are totally *poised* for the off.

For it's almost time to start Getting It Done. Whatever you mean to create, it's time to get creating. You have four months, plus change. So far, we have morbane, waddiwasiwitch, cassiopeia7, spuffy_noelle, beer_good_foamy, rebcake, rahirah, tangwstyl, ladycallie, shapinglight, 0_ruthless_0, bookishwench, aaronlisa, sparrow2000, miss_morland, stripysockette, lady_yashka, zubeneschamali, baudown, consumedly, delwyncole, gillo, raktajinos and just_ann_now, with a wondrous melange of fiction, art, TV and book fandoms, WIPs to progress and new projects to start. You are not alone! See, how there are many others on the list with you, aiming to progress their own stuff with the mighty help of DEADLINES [8 DECEMBER<=== LETTERS OF BLOOD]. AND there's still time to bug your friends and flist to sign up to do that thing they keep saying they might do but haven't got around to yet. Get them signed on the dotted line (/comments box, wevs), and enjoy their company for the coming months.

So, still opportunities to pimp, including with Awesome Lovely New Banners by consumedly!

Or, you know, some capybaras, courtesy of @emergencypuppy. It's just how I roll. Good luck! Good creating!


!modpost: banners and buttons, !modpost: announcements

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