Fic: And It's All Over but the Shouting

Dec 05, 2012 23:39

 Title: And It's All Over but the Shouting
Author:  tiny_white_hats
Characters: Cordelia, Oz (minor Willow and Oz/Willow)
Jossverse series: Buffy the Vampire Slayer
Rating: PG-13, for language
Wordcount: 5,077
Summary: After the events of Lovers Walk, Oz and Cordelia begin to build a friendship.
Disclaimer: I don't own these characters, as much as I love them. I'm just playing.
A/N:  Thanks so very much to 
brutti_ma_buoni for organizing this entire ficathon, because, if not for this, I don't know if I ever would've gotten around to writing this, and to 
rua1412 for the absolutely gorgeous banner she created for this fic.

And It's All Over but the Shouting

challenge: mini bang, challenge: get it done, medium: fic, fandom: btvs, rating: teen

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