stuff like this still makes me happz

Aug 14, 2009 20:30

Because I've been bored shitless like everyday I have been re watching Skins Season 3 in a random order, just because i'm cool, and anyway I watched Episode 8 today, and I totally started seeing how fit Effy is, because to be honest through out the whole episode she looks fricken gorgeous, and it's weird for me too say that because I'm totally EmilyFitchism.

But that's not the good stuff, I had to wait all day to post this because episode 8 on my computer doesn't friken work so i had to re download it etc. etc. blah blah blah.
Because fuck knows if I know how to upload DVD's
[I did try, but fucking thing wouldn't work]

ANYWAYZ; I saw this bit in it today that i had never seen before and well it made me totally happz, and i thought i'd post it just incase some of you didn't see it.


Okay so quality is shit and all that, but seriously i recomend re watching episode 8 right now just for that little moment of love :-)

** I am officially the worlds biggest twat, turns out i did have episode 8 working properly, its fucking episode 7 that doesn't. I have basically waited 11 hours for something i already have, nyce one!

effy is eftastic, i love emily fitch so friggen much, threesome much, naomily, hand holding

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