Nov 24, 2004 22:45
1. Where are we going and why are we in this handbasket? um i aint going nowhere just watchin a lifetime movie alibi
2. Whom do you serve? How do you serve? Why and when do you serve? I dont serve anyone i serve myself and the people i love of course
3. Does Santa really need all those reindeer or is he just trying to show off? nah those reindeer help him out
4. Why aren't cars made out of wood? What would be the pluses and minuses of having cars made out of any of the following: denim, rubber, leather, scotch tape, aluminum, glass, velcro, sponges, and oysters? thats a super weird question. i want a car that doesnt fall apart on me
5. Why are they called square roots? squared
6. Why are pizzas generally round? What would be a good name for the shape of a slice of pizza? pizzas can be all kinds of shapes, but it being round just suits it i guess. Mmyum
7. Why are there no crack commando teams made up of little, old ladies? um old people arent strong enough
8. These days there is strawberry soda, celery soda, pineapple soda, etc. So why isn't there pumpkin soda? Also wouldn't salt be a great flavor for a soda or an ice cream? um i dont think so ewww..
9. What would be a good business use for lobsters other than selling them for food? They can be someones pet
10. Why don't cars go trick or treating? um yeah ok dont care
11. What is inside a globe? Why are there no globes of just Europe? glass, not cool enough i guess
12. Should cows be allowed to sue? animals cant sue only humans can
13. Which would be scarier for you: if nothing we do really matters or if everything we do matters? Nothing
14. They say we each have a twin in a parallel universe. What do we have in a perpendicular universe? Quinteplet
15. People from the east are sometimes given the nickname "The Beast From the East". What would be a good nickname for people from the midwest? WesternPeeps
16. Why do we always hurt the ones we love? thats a good question
17. In the 90's Right Said Fred dominated the airwaves with the song "I'm Too Sexy" which had all manner of strange lyrics (eg. "I'm too sexy for my cat"). Write a new verse to the song (even if you do not know the song). That song is so old
18. What household appliance are you most like and why? A Blender I am always into new things
19. What are the pros and cons of having a white tiger as a pet? Con:they could hurt me pro there so pretty and could be trained. it would of course take a lot of work
20. Why do you torment me so? i dont torment you
21. Whatcha gonna do when your little bird flies away?Vigoro
22. What are the functions of hair? How would it affect one to be without it? I like long hair and i dont want to lose it ever
23. Which is cooler: robots or giant monsters? Why? Robots cause there programmable
24. If for some reason you needed to throw a porcupine, how would would you go about doing it? If you threw the porcupine agianst a wall would it stick better than a jellyfish would if it was thrown from the same distance? use some sort of glove for my hands i think a jellyfish would stick more than a porcupine...
25. Until the unfortunate twist, didn't you think that Hansel and Gretel were quite ingenious for making a trail back home only out of bread crumbs? What would you have made the trail out of? skittles taste the rainbow
26. Of what item in your grocery store's freezer section are you most afraid? How about in the fresh produce section? Salmon
27. How much do you enjoy blogging in cubic joules per meter seconds squared? joyously