May 11, 2004 15:41
So this is my very firsty! today was fun. just like the normal, the bus always starts the day off JUUUUST FINE. not. that thing makes me insane no joke. then to meet the gig only to have a horrifice experience with the yearbooks. im on yearbook strike. you wanna join? oo and we disect a fetal pig today and of course i get the privelage of the stomach blood splashing on me. my arm still smells by the way. im glad you all found that funny especially you choobie. :0(. O but the best part of the day was when Elyse (happy birfday!!) shared her brownies with us. her mom is a freaking genius, they were sooo goood YUM me and gigi had chocolate stains on our face. so now im off to pooty's to rehearse for the dance banquet thing...i hope you all enjoy our performance :0) ok so leave me first notes so i feel special