
May 05, 2004 16:53

hhheeyyy! bought my prom bids today... fun fun... i also ordered a shirt and sweats that our class got for us... the shirt has "class of 2004" on the front and on the back, it has all of the people who are graduating this year.. awesome, and the sweats just have "class of 2004" on the front... yeahh... i cnt believe its almost graduation... time flies... im going to miss everyone... but i really cnt wait 2 get the hell outta here at the same time.. <333

yeah, so i was bored....

stolen from sexwax.. luv u girl!<33

current clothes : jeans with a white shirt, pink outline & lettering, saying “Life of the Party”.. haha! Hell yeah!!! <33
current hair: up in a *ponytail*
current mood : just awesome!
current music : *youre s0o last summer*- yeah u are…..
current taste : saltine crackers bitch! Hells yes! <33
current smell : I dnt smell anything, considering my nose is still stuffy
current annoyance : this damn computer
current desktop : jess simpson
current favorite band : taking back Sunday <3333 god I love you <3333
current book : n/a
current cd in cd player : story of the year
current color of toenails : pink
current worry : prom =\
Current Crush : my incredible boyfriend, AJ <333

you touched : Jill
you talked to : Jill
you hugged : Jill
you instant messaged : umm… Nikki
you yelled at : uhhh… idk
who broke your heart : lets not go there… we ALL kno who that person is =\

person : my mom
food : right now, these amazing crackers…
Drink : coke w/ lemon
color : pink
shoes : flip flops
candy : skittles
animal : horse
tv show : will & grace
dance : the one I was taught, every Thursday night <333
song : there are a lot
fruit : strawberries, bananas, apples, cherries =)

understanding : yep
open-minded : yep
arrogant : when I have to be
insecure : isn't everyone at times..?
interesting : I hope so
hungry : a lil, these crackers are keeping me filled though
friendly : I can be…
smart : lol… ummm… sure?
moody : sometimes
childish : lol sometimes
independent : yes
organized : definitly not
healthy : ehh…
shy : not really
difficult : lol I guess I am sometimes.. I have to admit
attractive : i think I am =)
bored easily : uhh.. yeah… lol
Messy : yeah haha
Thirsty : yeah… the salt on these crackers are making me thirsty
responsible : when I have to be
obsessive : no
angry : if something makes me mad
sad : lately, yes
happy : for the most part
trusting : maybe more than I should be
ill : I was…
talkative : yeah lol
original : i suppose
different : i dunno i'm kinda weird
unique : yes
ignored : nope
content : not currently
a thinker : I am always thinking about things
sleepy : always
lonely : yes, in a couple aspects… but don’t take it personally for those who read this… I dnt mean lonely as I have nobody… its complicated 2 explain…

kill : no one
kiss : AJ
hug : my mom
hook up : my boyfriend, but not right now.. lol
shake : what kind of question is that???
be like : me
talk to offline : Nikki, right now.. lol.. we’re suppose 2 hangout in like 30 minutes.. lol
see: nikki goddamnit!

*5 things you are wearing*
1. jeans
2. t shirt
3. My watch aj got me<333
4. My necklace aj got me <333
5. My “Hobbin” bracelet (my horses name)

*5 things you can see* (besides the obvious)
1. My phone
2. outside the window
3. An empty cup
4. My dog sitting on my lap
5. A note on my computer that says “I love you” from my mom <3333

*5 things you are doing right now*
1. This survey
2. Waiting for nikki 2 come over
3. breathing
4. Listening to music
5. Twirling in my chair =D ha!

*5 things you ate in the last 24 hours*
1. Crackers, lol
2. fahitas
3. Granola bar
4. Lucky Charms
5. pizza

*5 things you did so far today*
1. Went 2 school
2. Went to the elementary school for an hour
3. went to my CAP meeting
4. Bought the prom bids
5. Called AJ while I had a few minutes

*5 things you can hear right now*
1. Taking back sunday
2. My dog sighing from boredom
3. The banging outside (they are redoing the front steps outside)
4. The computer running
5. Me typing =D

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