Apr 21, 2005 19:51
this weekend should be nice.
i guess.
justin wont leave me alone.
most of the time, i dont answer.
but sometimes, im so sad..i have to.
i dont even know why!
i dont enjoy him.
so why the fuck do i answer?
if im so sad..i wouldnt answer it..i would think "carlee hey..yeah its justin he treats you like shit! let go!"
funny cos.
i DO answer.
It isnt shame on Justin for hurting me..its shame on Carlee for letting Justin hurt Carlee.
i am a stupid girl.
and im fucking sick of it.
i dont know.
i want things to look up.
and im willing to do anything to make them look up.
but..that isnt happening.
i want things but i dont make them work!
what the fuck!?
i wish i was dead.
i wish he was dead.
i dont know.
im being irrational.
thats so his saying.
carlee! your being irrational
just give me the remote!
your nuts(with that little lisp thing)
why am i doing this?
i dont miss him.
maybe i do.
just a little.
but now i do cos i answered the phone.
why did i d that?
and he was talking about trader joes.
and i said oh! i went there today
and bought those potatoe chips you like!
and he said you did your mom take you?
and i said yea..shes being pretty cool
and he said she musta thought justin and sateena are comming over better get food!
but the funny thing is YOUR NOT COMMING OVER.
to come to MY house you must be invited by ME.
SO sorry "bruu" you are NOT invited.