Oct 19, 2005 11:02
Ugh. so i got up, early, by myself, got to school early. Got my GRADUATION stuff, and then, after 1st period i started feeling like shit, so i came home. THE ONE DAMN DAY I WAS GONNA GO TO SCHOOL ON TIME AND ACTUALLY GO ALL DAY AND SHIT.:-/ i love how things work out so well sometimes.
im graduating. seriously.its taken so long. only a few more months. HA..fuckers.
i cant wait for freak night, im so excited. not so much for freak night, but to see scott and nicole and jack and shit. last year, freak night was...uhm..i dunno..wierd. amanda, dash, seth, hotels, zaki, kevin, scott. that was basically the start of alot of shit.alot of new friends.
im starting my senior project soon..im throwing a party. you better all go. its probably gonna be in january. itl be my birthday party too. harhar.
Me, Kayla, Mike (<3get better) and josh, all drove 4 hours to tonaksket for the barter fair. HIPPIES EVERYWHERE. hung out. slept in my car.drove home.so many high people. it was like stompin in the woods, with 120938 more people, who are all hippies.less techno.more hippies.i had fun.
anyways. i miss people. :(
some guy jsut came to ask if he can look at the tree in my backyard. WHAT?