Apr 19, 2005 20:06
HAPPY BIRTHDAY ANDI!!! (the girl..lol)
UGH Josh is soooooo dumb!!
So, I'm going to a competition this weekend, right? Well loser Josh decides my routine doesn't need to be finished until a week ago, giving me like 3 days to practice it. And of course he made up the whole end in like 5 minutes so it sucks. And it doesn't go with the music right and it's really gay. So today in my lesson he put the music on and first no one would freakin look out for me and kept getting right in my way, so then he started it over. I stopped after the new part cause it didn't go with the music and he's all 'I wouldn't choreograph something that didn't go with the music.. you need to quit stopping.. you have to just get through it you have a competition this weekend and you need to keep going..' blah blah... and I was like 'I don't wanna do this at the meet' but he didn't hear me so he's like 'what' and I was like 'I'm not doing this at the meet.' He said 'you're not doing it? fine don't skate the meet and don't skate for me!!' and I was like 'fine'
Ugh he's sooo dumb. (I'm like talking to people, talking on the phone, and trying to type this all at the same time so idk if that really made sense but oh well not like anyone really cares) But yeah he is really annoying and hopefully I don't have any more lessons with him. I know I've said that a couple times before but for reals this time. AAHH. So I'm doing my old routine at the meet. And hopefully I'm getting lessons from Janet from now on.
And idk if I'm gonna be doing team for much longer.. Cause Ryan doesn't want to. I don't really want to or not want to. I told him it was up to him though because I like team when he wants to be doing it, but when he doesn't and we have a lesson he's really annoying.
School today was okay. Got lunch detetntion. My honor roll certificate had Nicole's name on it. (And it wasn't hers cause she didn't make honor roll) Topher got my ribbon. Science test was pretty hard, but I think I did okay.
Yeah, not much else.. that was pretty long. And all skating so no one probably cares.