Apr 17, 2006 14:14
ok yeah, im never on here anymore soo you dont see anything interesting ever from me.. the only reason im doing this is because some crazy ass brauds asking me to hahahaha.. anyways whats been going on in the life of Joe Celeb.. well nothing.. not working yet.. outta school.. playing drums constantly.. oo i was in the hospital for 3 days 2 weeks ago.. i had an abcess in my throat.. couldnt eat/drink/talk.. it sucked.. lost 15 pounds though.. Call It Quits is doing good, just played a beef and beer show Friday night.. a lot of people there, it was soo hott in that place though,, usually my bangs just get all sweaty, this time it looked like i stepped outta the shower haha.. made some good money off that show though,, half way to our new Full Length coming out this Fall hopefully, going into the studio mid or late July.. doing 11 songs.. Today im supposed to go to South Street with some friends but no. i get stood up by a girl who im gonna Bean Cafe in the face hahaha.. and she best be making it up to me sooner or later too! im still going to South Street thought to get chinese.. and to look for some more Despised Icon Cds.. <3 Joe Celeb