Sep 11, 2009 09:37
It's plausibly unfathomable that eight years ago today, during my second week as a high-school freshman, the Twin Towers were squandered down to the ground by the vicious acts brought on by terrorist motives. I remember being woken up by my alarm... It was set to KISS 106.1, and just like every morning, I woke up to voices tearing me out of my state of repose. At first I did not think much of it and wasn't exactly listening to what the people were talking about; I was tuning them out, to be honest. But right before I hit the buzzer, I noticed that phrases rang familiar in my ears, so I paid attention to that which was being vocalized. I was stunned, to say the least. Plane crash. World Trade Center. Cause unclear. While I was getting ready for school that morning I remember thinking, "This is going to change things in this country..." Little did I just how big an impact the World Trade Center incident was going to have on America, as well as on the rest of the world, to say the least. So I arrived at school. Oh my God! The second tower has been hit by another plane. What the fuck is going on?! Needless to say, Lakes High School was not a place of textbook learning that day, but rather one of political discussion and surmise. I sit here in complete humility as I reflect upon this time and the injustice and biased acts that have occurred then, as well as since then. I take my hat off to those brave passengers aboard flight 93, who managed to overtake the oppressive terrorists while consciously knowing they would die in action. I and your fellow citizens of America and the international community are eternally indebted to your bravery and intrepidity in light of your demise. Everyone, let us use this as a daily reminder to not live in vain conceit, but rather to use our abilities to change the world. By world, I mean the ENTIRE world, not just the Western world. We are lucky enough be be as rich as we are. Now it is our turn to give back.
On another note, I pray that Congress take President Obama's speech concerning health-care reform to heart and effectuate that change. No one said it wasn't hard work, but we need to focus on the well-being of America. And 47 million uninsured citizens is not acceptable. Everyone should have the right to obtain and have access to affordable and effective health care. Power to the people, not the banks that run it.
Why can't his fucking world have true, unbiased, considerate justice?! Stop being so conceited, vain, narcissistic, one-sided. You make me sick. Projectile vomit. There. I said it.